Chapter 30

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Chloe began firing the simple spells they learned from their first-year textbook. Marinette easily used nonverbal counterspells. She had expected this to be an easy fight. Chloe just got angrier at Marinette's ease. She seemed so relaxed, just casually moving her arm to block Chloe's spells. She then decided to fight more aggressively, rapidly firing spells at the bluenette hoping to catch her off guard, to no avail. The Gryffindor's cheered for Marinette as the Slytherin's groaned at Chloe's incompetence. Marinette was rather bored. She really hoped this would be harder. She decided to go on the offense instead.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Chloe froze at the spell hitting her. The Gryffindors roared with laughter when they saw her face. "Pisces caput!" The rest of the class joined in when Chloe's head transformed into one of a fish. Professor Ramier's eyes widened.

"Enough! Miss Dupain-Cheng, fix her immediately!" He yelled. Marinette giggled before using the counter curse.

"Normalis capitis!" She cried out. Chloe's head returned and the girl began to gasp for breath.

"Class dismissed! Miss Dupain-Cheng, please stay after class!" Professor Ramier was furious. Alya gave her a look of sympathy before leaving with everyone else. "Where did you learn that spell?"

Most people did not know this but Marinette's father, Tom, was a brilliant wizard. He taught himself Latin and passed his knowledge onto his daughter. His hobby: he created spells that often backfired. When Marinette was bored, she often did that too. Except they actually worked. She taught them to Adrien in training, in order to catch the Imperio victims by surprise. She wasn't planning on using them in class, she just forgot they were her creations.

   "I'm really sorry professor. It was a harmless transfiguration jinx. It didn't hurt Chloe at all!" She pleaded with him.

   "You didn't answer my question. Where did you learn that spell? I've never heard of such a thing, and I'm sure I'll get the same answer from your transfiguration teacher." Marinette frowned, knowing she couldn't get out of this.

   "I created it. It's just a hobby I do. I knew it was harmless, I've tested it many times and it's completely safe." She explained. The professor had a look of shock.

   "What- how?" He took a seat behind his desk. "You're only a first year! Some wizards live their entire lives not being able to create a spell. You can't just go around creating spells willy nilly. You don't know the risks or consequences. And what if there isn't a counter curse? Have you thought of that?"

   "As I said before Professor, I don't just go around creating spells 'willy nilly'! I go through an extensive testing process in order to perfect it!" Marinette raised her voice at him.

   "I've dealt with your bad attitude all year Miss Dupain-Cheng and I've had enough! You-" He was interrupted as Headmaster Fu walked into the classroom. "Ah, Professor Fu. I was just about to send Miss Dupain-Cheng to your office and recommend disciplinary actions."

"Really? I was about to congratulate Marinette on winning the duel against Miss Bourgeois. I also wanted to know about her unique skill of creating spells. She is quite the prodigy, isn't she?" The headmaster smiled at her. Marinette let out a sigh of relief. She wasn't in trouble.

"I was just explaining to her the dangers of creating spells, sir." Professor Ramier interjected.

"I believe Miss Dupain-Cheng is quite capable. She is far more advanced than any witch I have ever seen. I believe she already knows." He directed her attention to her, "You should go on to your next class. Don't worry, you're not in trouble." She smiled gratefully at him before hurrying out of the classroom. She saw Nino, Alya, and Adrien standing outside laughing.

A Miraculous Year at Hogwarts (Miraculous Ladybug Harry Potter AU)  •ABANDONED•Where stories live. Discover now