Chapter 21

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   Adrien and Marinette said goodbye to their dear friends and classmates in the common room. The two sat on the couch wishing everyone a happy holiday. They were the only two Gryffindors remaining so they had the whole house to themselves. Luka even came down and said a short goodbye to the pair before hurrying out. Adrien gave Mari an odd look after that encounter and she just shrugged. After everyone cleared out and Alya lectured Marinette on not cutting her hair after having a mental breakdown while she's away, the two teenagers walked to the Headmaster's office.

   "Are you excited to see your parents again?" Adrien asked the bluenette as she bounced down the hallway.

   "Very much so. I'm worried they'll wonder why I'm staying at Hogwarts but we'll think of something." The two reached Professor Fu's office where the headmaster was waiting.

   "Come in quickly. The floo is all set up and ready to go. Actually Adrien, may I have a word with you in private?" The professor said. He motioned for Marinette to head inside without them. When the door was shut, the headmaster began. "3 things Adrien. First, I received a letter from your father's assistant who asked for you to be transferred to Slytherin which I promptly threw out." Adrien smiled at the gesture. "2nd, don't let Marinette out of your sight. With Hawkmoth's return he is targeting half-bloods and muggleborns which puts Marinette and her family at risk. Especially if he had discovered your identities. I'm worried due to his inactivity. That leads to the final thing, keep your eyes open and stay alert. Watch for his followers in the shadows. I suggest you stay at her house for the entire visit. Understand?" Adrien nodded his head, attempting to absorb all of this information. The headmaster opened the door once more and led the boy inside where Marinette was waiting.

"Is it ready Professor?" Marinette asked excitedly. Adrien walked over and stood beside her.

"Yes indeed. Simply state Dupain-Cheng Residence and walk into the flames. I'll see you at exactly 11pm tonight. No later." The professor then smiled. "Enjoy yourselves."

Marinette grabbed Adrien's hand and practically dragged him to the fireplace. She held Tikki's cage in her empty hand and in his was Plagg's.

"Dupain-Cheng Residence!" The two shouted in unison and walked into the flames together, leaving behind the school they swore to protect.

•        •        •

   Tom and Sabine were waiting at the fireplace anticipating their daughter's long-awaited arrival.

   "Tom, do you know why Marinette is only coming for one day and isn't taking the train?" Sabine asked her husband. The tall man shrugged.

   "I have a theory but the reason isn't important. Our daughter will finally be home again. And she's bringing a new friend too. How exciting." With that, the pair of teens emerged from the fireplace. Sabine gasped momentarily.

   "I swear I'll never be used to that. Hello sweetie!" Marinette ran into her parents' arms, leaving an awkward Adrien behind. "Shouldn't you be introducing your friend here Marinette." Sabine laughed along with Tom.

   "Come here son." Adrien stepped forward offering a handshake when Tom swooped him into a hug. Adrien was taken aback before laughing along with the family. Tom put the boy down on the couch and Marinette took a seat next to him. "So what's your name kiddo."

   "I'm Adrien Agreste. Nice to finally meet you Mr. Dupain-Cheng." Adrien said as respectfully as possible. He was meeting the girl he loves parents. How did it not dawn on him how stressful this would be earlier!

   "No need to be so formal sweetie. You can call us Tom and Sabine." Marinette's mother giggled at the boy.

   "Agreste you say. Is your father Gabriel by any chance?" Adrien nodded his head and sighed dramatically. "Gosh, I haven't seen him since I graduated. We used to be friends back in the day. The four of us." Tom sighed before redirecting his attention to the teens. The two looked at each other with puzzled looks.

   "You knew my dad? You were friends with my dad?" Adrien was baffled how this kind person was ever in a room with his father.

   "From what I understand he's not as chill as he was back in the day. Sabine, you met him once remember? It was at my graduation." Sabine nodded at the memory. Tom laughed. "How my parents snuck you in I'll never know."

   "What was he like back in school? You're so nice and he's," Adrien shudders, "him. Why were you friends with him Tom, if you don't mind me asking."

   "Yeah. Hang on one moment I swear I still have a picture in my yearbook. I'll be right back." Tom stood up and ran off to the attic while Sabine stared at from where he ran.

   "Your father is an odd one indeed. So Adrien, why are you here with Marinette instead of at home?" Adrien lowered his head. Marinette decided to answer for him.

   "His home life isn't that great mom. He decided to stay at Hogwarts for the holidays and he would be the only Gryffindor there. I couldn't leave him alone. I arranged to come here for a day so I can still see you both for Christmas and he won't be lonely too." Marinette explained quickly. There were a lot of holes in her story but it was the best they got. They couldn't come out and say they are chosens who have to defeat Hawkmoth. Thankfully before Sabine could ask anything else, Tom ran in with a box of pictures. He sat in between the teenagers and practically ripped it open.

   "Hogwarts, the golden years of my life, besides meeting your honey." He pulled out the first picture of a young Tom with a blonde girl with green eyes. In the picture, the two were laughing at each other. "That was in first year. That was my best friend Emelie. Like you and Alya, we met when we were young and stayed close throughout our Hogwarts days." Adrien gaped.

   "That's, that's my mom. Tom, you were friends with my mom too?" Adrien looked up hopefully. Tom gasped.

   "No frickin way! She married Gabriel! Holy crap I owe so many people money!" Tom laughed aloud. "I had no idea. I should have guessed though. You're identical to her." Tom pulled out the next photo. "3rd year. That was it. That was our group. The core four as we liked to call ourselves."

   The picture was taken in Hogsmeade. On the left was a dark hair, tall, Ravenclaw, who appeared to be laughing at something her friend beside her said. That friend was a young Gabriel, icy blonde hair and even colder eyes, at the time filled with light. He was gazing in a trance at Emelie. She looked just how Adrien does now but she wasn't paying attention to the blonde staring at her. She was laughing at a young Tom pranking a passerby.

   "When did you lose contact with my mom and dad?" Adrien asked but he already knew the answer. "The war, am I wrong?" Tom nodded solemnly. "Please tell me what happened. I want to know it all. My father won't tell me anything." Tom looked at Sabine for an answer and she gave him a reassuring smile.

   "If you really wanna kid. It's not pretty." Plagg meowed at his feet, snuggling in as Tikki flew onto her perch, ready for the story.

1251 words

A Miraculous Year at Hogwarts (Miraculous Ladybug Harry Potter AU)  •ABANDONED•Where stories live. Discover now