Chapter 8

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Herbology went uneventful. No surprise there. Adrien was ecstatic that he would be on the quidditch team. He wished it could of happened differently though. He payed no attention to the teacher or the plants. His mind was racing.

   'We are the youngest quidditch players of the century!' He thought to himself and smiled. This was amazing. He smiled at Marinette who was obviously not paying attention either. That was their final class of the day. When they were finally done Adrien grabbed Nino and raced into the hallway.

   "Dude? What happened with Bustier. You seemed distracted." Nino asked.

   "We made the quidditch team!"

   "What! No way! You mean no detention?" Nino was flabbergasted.


• • •

Adrien made his way upstairs to feed Plagg. The cat meowed, obviously annoyed.

"Don't worry Plagg, I'll get you your cheese. What's this?" Adrien saw a box on his bed with a note. He took the note off the box and read it to the cat.

You are special.
Dangerous times are coming. There's a villain by the name of Hawkmoth. Perhaps you've heard of him.

Adrien gasped. Hawkmoth is one of the most feared wizards of all time. Most not dare to say his name. He's back?

Well Hawkmoth has returned. He often uses Imperio on his victims. When they feel negative emotions that's when he casts the spell. He is after two pieces of magical jewelry. The ring of the cat and the earrings of the ladybug. You are in charge of the ring. When needed you will put on the ring and save his victims along with Ladybug. You each have a special power. You have the power of destruction when you say "cataclysm" And she can lift the Imperio curse. Together you must keep the Miraculous safe and save your fellow students. No one must know you are the holder of this ring. Not even your partner, ladybug. Plagg will assist you. When you must transform day "Plagg, claws out." After you use your special power, you will have 5 minutes before you change back. To recharge, feed Plagg. I suggest your burn this letter and good luck!
-Headmaster Fu

Adrien turned to Plagg in shock. "Plagg.... can you talk?"

"You bet!" The cat said in perfect English. Adrien screamed and fell into his bed.

"I must be dreaming. Plagg can talk. My life is ruined." Adrien said covering his face.

"Aw lighten up kid, now I can finally reply to those long rants you have to yourself. Now you won't seem crazy." Plagg said. Adrien watched in horror as the cat laughed then proceeded to throw up a hair ball.

"I knew it was weird that you ate cheese."

"Nah I just did that because cheese is amazing. Especially Camembert." Plagg sighed dreaming of cheese.

"How will I know if there's a student under Imperio?" Adrien asked while destroying the paper. He also slipped the ring onto his right hand.

"Trust me kid, you'll know. Hawkmoth isn't exactly discreet." Plagg said. "Now give me cheese."

Adrien complied but there were thoughts racing through his mind. 'I have to stop Hawkmoth? I'm only 14! Who's the ladybug?' Adrien laid down onto his bed with a thud. Then another thud was heard. This time a much louder thud. A bang. Perhaps an explosion-

A Miraculous Year at Hogwarts (Miraculous Ladybug Harry Potter AU)  •ABANDONED•Where stories live. Discover now