Chapter 18

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Marinette laid in Chat's warm embrace. He rubbed soothing circles using his thumb on her hand. They laid in silence, only listening to each other's breathing. Chat stared at the broken girl on his chest. Her once bright eyes full of life seeped with darkness. The pale pink that coated her cheeks were replaced with red irritation from crying. Finally, her soft lips were in a firm frown. Chat brushed the hair out of her face and ran his fingers through it. Marinette glanced at the boy who helped her and comforted her in her time of need. She directed her attention to the clock. It just struck midnight. It's been 5 hours since she stumbled into their room.

Adrien sat fully transformed reading a book. He didn't look up with she walked into the room.

"Hey, Marinette so I was thinking-" he stopped mid-sentence. He saw the broken girl in front of him. He rushed over to her and sat her down in a chair. "What's wrong m'lady. You can talk to me." She burst into sobs.

"Luka" hiccup "he" hiccup "forced" That was all Adrien needed to hear before he went into a fury.

"He did WHAT!" Adrien was enraged. How dare Luka force himself into Marinette. But he knew that now was not the time. He had to be there for Mari. "I get it Marinette, you don't have to explain right now. Just breathe."

"Chat. I'm ready to talk." Marinette said so softly, you had to strain to hear her.

"You don't have to bugaboo. I understand." Chat replied.

"No I, I want to. He said I wasn't being physically intimate enough and when I got mad at him I tried to walk away." Chat put her arms around her to hug her from behind. "He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. He pinned me down. I tried to push him off of me. He didn't rape me. Maybe I'm being overdramatic." Chat twisted his body to face her.

"No. You're not being overdramatic. Just because it wasn't as bad it could be doesn't mean it's not horrible. He never should have laid a single finger on you." Marinette smiled at his words before her frown returned.

"He forcefully made out with me. He groped me. And then he-" she took a breath "he- I don't know how else to put it but bluntly, he dry humped me. And I hated every second of it. Then he gave me this." She pointed to the dark bruise on her neck. "He wanted to claim me. I have to break up with him." Chat noticed the hickey earlier but wasn't going to point it out.

"I don't think you should just break up with him Marinette. I think you should report this. Who knows who else he has done this to and he definitely has violent tendencies." Chat said thinking back to the incident in which Luka broke his nose. Marinette nodded in agreement.

"Can it wait until after the concert? I'll break up with him in the morning but I don't want things to go insane until after the G-Squad performs. We will also need a new guitarist." Marinette said. Adrien laughed.

"Only you would think about the fate of the band. Cmon. Let's get working on the second half of the song. Besides, no one knows Ladybug and Chat Noir better than us."

   Marinette and Adrien worked on the song until they fell asleep. Tikki hooed when the clock struck 7 am. The two woke with a jolt.

   "We're late!!" Marinette yelled. She began to fix her appearance and Adrien scrambled to grab all of their writings. He detransformed after they began working. Marinette fed both Tikki and Plagg before dragging Adrien to the Great Hall. They were the last of the G-Squad to arrive.

   "Hey, girl! You never came back last night. Everything okay?" Alya asked the bluenette. Marinette sat down next to Alya and Adrien on her other side.

A Miraculous Year at Hogwarts (Miraculous Ladybug Harry Potter AU)  •ABANDONED•Where stories live. Discover now