Chapter 24

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   Protect her. What did he mean by that? Hawkmoth is a solid answer, but the truth? He wanted to shield her from pain. From Luka. From others causing her pain. Luka... Adrien can't shake the thought after what he overheard before dinner.

    "Maybe I should just get back with Luka. It would end all the complications."

Hearing those words made his heart stop. Getting back with Luka? Is she serious? And what complications. What had to end. He just laughed and smiled through dinner, trying not to think about it. But as Adrien sat alone on the porch, allowing Marinette to have private family time with her parents to exchange gifts, the thoughts came flooding in.

   "Adrien? You don't have to sit out here alone, you can come in and join us." Sabine opened the door for him, however, he shook his head.

   "No need Sabine, besides I have to think about things," Adrien said glumly. Sabine knew that something was bothering the boy and she had to know what.

   "Was it something that Tom said. I'm sure it's all in the past and your parents are happy together now." Sabine closed the door and sat beside him. Adrien then felt a whole new set up emotions come over him. Some he's been burying for quite awhile. However, Adrien felt like he could trust Sabine with this.

    "No. My mom," Adrien began, "She disappeared a few years ago. We searched and searched. Eventually, they found her body. He barely came to the funeral. And after hearing that story today, I can't help but think he had something to do with it." Sabine placed her hand on the boy's back.

"Oh honey." She rubbed soothing circles on his back. "I'm sure your father was just upset. As Tom said, he loved her for many years. Also, maybe you should relax a little. Tom told me what you said about Marinette. You shouldn't worry about protecting her. You're both so young. Enjoy life, enjoy Hogwarts. Be happy."

• • •

"Adrien, let's take a walk," Marinette said to the teen as her parents cleaned in preparation for the following days' activities.

"No Mari, that's a bad idea. Master Fu said not to leave your house. It could be dangerous." Adrien lectures the bluenette as she headed towards the door. "Don't! Get away from that door Dupain-Cheng." He laughed at her antics.

"Whoops." She stepped out the door, "Guess you'll have to catch me." The teen ran out the door, teasing Adrien. He stood up and ran after her laughing. She stood at the curb waiting. He walked down to her and the two walked together on the sidewalk.

"Your neighborhood is so nice," Adrien said. He slapped himself mentally. Your neighborhood is nice. Seriously? She laughed at his awkwardness. As they walked to the park down the street, they kept bumping into each other. Adrien reached out and grabbed her hand. Adrien and Marinette sat on a bench when they arrived at the park. The wind chilled them individually, but their hands were clasped to each other for warmth.

   "Adrien... there's something I want to talk to you about," Marinette said. Adrien gazed intently into her eyes and nodded. "We have this weird connecting thing, we should really talk about." Adrien's stomach dropped.

   "Marinette. I have feelings for you. I had since September. And I think you know that already." She nodded.

   "And I return said feelings. I always have. Luka meant nothing to me compared to you. And that's bad. That's really bad Adrien." He frowned.

   "What do you mean? This is amazing Marinette! We can finally be together!" Marinette began to tear up. "No, no, somethings wrong. What is it?"

   "Adrien I care too much to let you get hurt. It puts us in enough danger that we," she lowered her voice to a whisper, "know our identities," Adrien knew where this was going.

   "And dating puts us in even more danger. Using our feelings against one another. More risk for others finding out our identities." Marinette nodded. Adrien grabbed both of her hands in his. "Marinette, I care for you more than anything. I'm willing to risk my life to be with you. I'm not willing to risk yours." She started crying softly.

   "I tried really hard Chat. I did. I tried to stay away from you. I tried to bury my feelings for you, using Luka. I failed." He rested his forehead against her's, mirroring the position from after she dumped Luka. "I came here about to say we can never work. That it's too dangerous. But being here with you. I'm willing to risk it."

"Me too."

As they were so close to the night prior, Adrien leaned in slowly, Marinette's eyes fluttered closed. Neither moved, so incredibly nervous they didn't want to move in first. Marinette leaned in fast, pressing her lips to his at last. It began as a tender kiss, which quickly erupted into them desperate for the other's touch. Marinette ran her fingers through his hair, pulling him closer. Adrien let go of her hands and grabbed her waist, moving them even closer together, if it was possible. After an eternity and Marinette realizing they were in her childhood neighborhood, the teens pulled apart, gazing into each other's eyes. Adrien couldn't stop smiling; his heart has never felt more full than this moment. Marinette's face was flushed and her heart was leaping out of her chest. All of a sudden she started laughing. Adrien looked at her puzzled. Is she laughing at him? Was he a bad kisser. Oh god, was it all a practical joke and-

"Don't look at me like that. It's just ridiculous how long it's taken to get here!" She laughed. He breathed a sigh of relief. "C'mon, it's 9:30. We only have an hour and a half left with my parents. Get on their good side."

• • •

"Make sure to send letters often dear," Sabine said while hugging her daughter tightly.

"I will mom." Marinette went over to hug her dad as Adrien said goodbye to Sabine.

"Adrien, you are always welcome here. We hope to see you again this summer. And you better do as you said. I'll hold you to your word." Tom laughed as he squeezed the life out of Marinette. "And my little bug, stay safe and I can't wait to see you in the summer."

"And Adrien," Sabine whispered, "If you ever need someone to talk to, send a letter to me." He beamed at the woman he became so close to so quickly. Tom and Sabine held Marinette until the clock struck 10:59 and the two had to leave. Once again, they each held their respective kwami in one hand and grasped each other's. Marinette smiled at Adrien, before taking a deep breath and stepped into the fireplace.

1145 words

A Miraculous Year at Hogwarts (Miraculous Ladybug Harry Potter AU)  •ABANDONED•Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora