Chapter 26

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"Adrien... this is a bad idea. Let's just leave him be and go back to the common room." Marinette places her hand on the blonde's shoulders. Gabriel stepped forward.

"No Mari, you don't understand that he-"

"I heard it all Adrien. And from what I understand is that you're acting irrationally and are in a situation where you are risking your safety." Gabriel stared at the girl.

"Ah, you must be Adrien's little girlfriend. It's so nice to meet you. You look like people I once knew. Tom and Sabine Dupain-Cheng. Any relation?" Gabriel smirked at the couple.

"Don't answer him Marinette. We're the ones asking questions." Adrien glared.

"I'm not answering any of your preposterous questions Adrien," Gabriel said. He was about to continue when they all heard soft footsteps from down the hall. "Remember what I said. Think about it. And maybe take Miss Dupain-Cheng into account as well." With that, he apparated away. The two teens stared.

   "How did he-"

   "Mr. Agreste! Miss Dupain-Cheng!" Professor Fu yelled, "What are you two doing out after curfew!"

   "My father got past the wards professor. He apparated in and out of the castle." Adrien said without facing them.

   "Oh no. This isn't good."

•   •   •

   "From what you two said, the wizarding world is in great danger." Headmaster Fu said after the teens explained the encounter. "I knew Hawkmoth was planning a large scale attack but not this soon. When he was last active, he would only attack at the end of the school year. We were still on that schedule."

   "What can we do in anticipation Professor?" Marinette asked as Adrien sat silently.

   "I'm afraid there's nothing to do but wait Marinette. For all we know this is a red herring and he will attack come May. Just stay on high alert and have your Miraculous and kwamis with you at all times. I'll figure out a way for you to bring them to class with your teachers. Head back to the common room now. And next time you're in communications with your father Adrien, please tell me." Adrien nodded. The secret couple made their way back to the common room in silence. It was now December 26th, Christmas was over and all the happiness it brought with it was a fleeting memory. They sat on the couch in front of the fireplace cuddled up to each other in silence.

"Adrien," Marinette began, "do you wanna talk about-"

"No." He snapped at her. Marinette was taken aback and moved away from the distant boy.

   "Fine. Be like that. I'm going to bed Adrien. I suggest you do the same." The bluenette stood up and made her way to the stairs. When she reached the turning point, she turned around and saw the boy still not looking up. "Goodnight," Marinette said sharply before entering her dormitory. Plagg made his way over to his owner, laying down on his lap.

   "Kiddo, I know you wanna talk about it." Plagg meowed. Adrien rolled his eyes and pushed the cat off his lap onto the couch.

   "Leave me alone Plagg." Adrien practically growled at him. The cat's eyes widened.

   "Aren't you still on that trial period with Marinette and you basically just told her to shove off?" Adrien still didn't lookup.

   "She's better without me. She deserves better than the son of-" Adrien choked when he tried to finish his sentence. "She'll come down here in the morning, say since I can't discuss work-related problems with her anymore we have to break up. It will keep her safe and she could find someone better." Plagg lowered his head when he heard his owner say that.

   "You don't believe that, do you? That Marinette deserves better. Adrien, kid, you're the better she deserves and she got it. You whined about how she deserves better than Luka, which was you, for MONTHS! Now I have to hear how she still deserves better?" Plagg meowed angrily, "You need to be able to accept happiness in your life and not live your life due to your father's decisions. You're more than him. You're more than an Agreste. Hell, you're more than Adrien. You're bloody Chat Noir for crying out loud. If I were human I'd slap you and Marinette is in her room upset right now and you better go apologize kiddo!" Plagg was left out of breath after the rant was over. Adrien stood up from where he was and shakily made his way up the stairs. He knocked on the door.

   "Mari... I'm really sorry about what just happened." Adrien said through the door.

"It's fine, forget about it," Marinette mumbled just loud enough for him to hear. He laid his forehead against the door.

"We're both really stressed right now. It's a tense situation. I hope you know I didn't mean it." He didn't hear a reply. "I guess she fell asleep Plagg. C'mon, let's go to bed."

Once Marinette heard their footsteps in the distance, she allowed the tears to continue. Tikki rested on her perch, watching the girl sob over the boy whom she cared for.

"This was a mistake Tikki. This has been one of the best days of my life and proves how we belong together. But it's still not the time Tikki! I'm going to have to wait until Hawkmoth is defeated until we can be together." Marinette sobbed. "I should have said that on Christmas Eve, why did I give in? His eyes. When I look into them I can't help but want to hold him and close and never let him go."

"Why do you want to wait?" Tikki asked the teen.

"I'm scared he'll do something stupid in battle. Adrien will get worried due to our relationship and act irrationally. Gabriel already threatened me. Adrien is the kind of person to do anything for those he loves, including giving in to whatever Gabriel asked of him to ensure my safety. I won't let him take that risk for me Tikki." Marinette continued to cry until she fell into a horror-filled sleep, about the death of the boy she cares for, all while holding the charm of the new necklace in her hand tight.

   The couple each had their own relatively sleepless night. They didn't wait for the other when morning came, making their way to the Great Hall for breakfast alone. Marinette arrived first, too nervous to eat more than an apple. About 10 minutes later, a very tired looking blonde stumbled into his seat across from her. He took some toast without looking at her and said.,

   "We should head over to the Room of Requirement to train today, we've been slacking." Marinette hummed in agreement. The pair sat in silence while eating before walking to the Room of Requirement. They saw the unfamiliar door and went inside. They saw their kwamis were there waiting for them, sitting in painful silence. Once the wizards transformed into their alter egos, the training began.

   Ladybug started it with the first attack.

   "Expelliarmus!" She cried out. Chat Noir activated a shield charm and blocked it. He quickly fired back and soon it was a battle of spells flying back and forth. Ladybug's mind slipped and suddenly accioed Chat Noir closer time her. Both of their eyes widened and the spells stopped. Ladybug had to take advantage of this opportunity.

   "Chat, we need to wait longer. Until after Hawkmoth's gone." Adrien nodded in agreement,

   "I know. It's for the best. I promise my feelings won't ever fade. I'll wait for you."

   "Mine won't either. It's safest this way."

   "I want you to keep the necklace. The chain is long enough to tuck into your shirt. Keep it to remember yesterday." Chat Noir laid a gentle kiss onto her forehead before stepping back.

   "Stupefy!" And training resumed as normal. As normal it could be for the couple that could no longer be together until the enemy was defeated. If they weren't motivated before, they were now. This war has gotten personal.

1345 words

A Miraculous Year at Hogwarts (Miraculous Ladybug Harry Potter AU)  •ABANDONED•Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin