Chapter 11

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The cold. Her finger went cold without his touch. It was like their hands were made to hold, fitting perfectly into each other. The gleeful smile remained as she called out for him to wait up and continued smiling throughout the quidditch practice. She saw him watching her as she caught the snitch, her stomach filled with butterflies when they made eye contact. It only faded when the blinding light shot across the court. Marinette flew off, going in the opposite direction of her teammates. She flew up and up until the wizards were tiny dots on the ground. From there she flew as fast as she could to the owlery. Before it was even in sight she saw the spotted owl flying in her direction.

   "Marinette quick! Transform now!" Tikki called out. Marinette nodded.

   "Tikki, spots on!" And with that her normal robe transformed into something beautiful. She wore a skin tight black suit, similar to her feline counterpart but her robe was red with black spots as well as a mask over her eyes to match. She donned a red hat of typical wizard style that miraculously stayed on her head throughout battle. She flew back down to the field seeing the cat already there.

"I seem to be early milady but your beauty makes up for it." Marinette raised her eyebrows.

"I'm having deja vu to last time I told you to focus on the battle." Marinette called out searching for the victim. The chat gave her a Cheshire like smile. Then they both saw the victim. Marinette's new friend Nino. He stood angerily in the center wand in hand. He aimed at the duo and a stream of bubbles went their way. They flew across the pitch in a zig zag pattern to avoid whatever those were. Marinette thought she was in the clear when she heard a plop! The bubble picked her up and began to float upwards. She began to bang her broom into the walls but it was no use. She was trapped. Chat saw her and immediately began to take action. He tried to use spells against it but nothing was working. He attempted to use his broom to pop it only to get himself stuck as well. Marinette glared.

"Great. Now we're both stuck in hear with an Imperioed out there!" She exclaimed while hitting her fists in frustration against the bubble. Her partner was for once silent. "What?"

"I may have an idea, just make sure you're not touching any part of the bubble's walls." He said eyebrows furrowed in thought. Marinette did as he said, pulling in her extremities. He flew to the side and held out his wand. "Cataclysm!" He cried out. The bubble turned into a fine dust and they flew down to meet their opponent.

"Ladybug and Chat Noir, so kind of you to join me. Now hand over your miraculous or else everyone will be trapped in bubbles. Starting with," Nino watched as a quidditch player ran across the field in terror. "You." With those words the teen was bubblized. Ladybug winced at the cries for help from above. Chats finger began blinking.

"We don't have long LB. Any ideas?" Chat asked. Marinette watched the victim. Like Ivan, he had something in his opposite hand.

"Lucky Charm!" She yelled out when pointing her wand at the sky. A set of lassos fell into her hands. She quickly lassoed Nino, holding him down. Chat knew the routine and ran over to him quickly opening his hand and grabbing what was there. He was about to rip it when Ladybug called for him to wait. She grabbed the other lasso and pulled the student down to the ground. She gave him a thumbs up, his cue to rip the paper. The bubbles all popped with the student on the ground. Ladybug aimed her wand at the similar black wisp that flew out of the paper.

"De-Evilize!" She casted, the wisp fading to white. The duo walked to the victim, slowly. Marinette placed a hand on his shoulder. "Nino? Are you awake?" He stirred a bit before opening up his eyes.

"Ladybug? Chat Noir? What happened?" Nino asked in his dazed state, the memories of the prior events flooding into his head. Him finding the cruel letter sent to his best friend. The anger he felt.

A Miraculous Year at Hogwarts (Miraculous Ladybug Harry Potter AU)  •ABANDONED•Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt