📑 # 7. Broken

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"Sanem, hear me out!" Can plead

"NO! GET OUT!" she yelled at Can and he was taken aback.

He shocked his head, "What?"

"You heard me, get out!" And she pointed to the door.

"Sanem,..." Knock knock the ambulance arrived and they took Burak to the hospital. Burak got a CT done and he was fine.

Sanem left Burak's room "Sanem!" Can said getting up from the chair that was in the hallway.

"No, Can I told you no!" Ring ring Sanem looked at her phone and it was Yiğit, but she send him to voicemail.

"Sanem." He plead again."

"No, Can I told you I don't want to hear your, you should leave, before the cops arrive."

"Sanem, I don't care about them."

"You should because Burak is going to put a restraining order on you."

"Do I care what he says or thinks."

"Can, you let your anger get to you, you let your anger beat you, and I won't tolerate that." Can just looked at her in disbelieve, "Can leave. I want you to leave, I need you to leave." She said with watery eyes.

Can just looked at her, "You want me to leave?" Sanem nods "Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes, I think you should leave, and I also think we shouldn't talk nor see each other in a while, I need some space."

"Is that what you want?" he asked again.

Sanem wiped her tears, "Yes Can!"

"Are you sure?" He asked again "Because if you want me to leave. I will, and you won't see me in your life again. So please, think very carefully how your going to answer because I'm going to ask you one last time." Sanem let a tear dropped but wipped it, Can took a deep breath and said "If you want me to leave I will leave. But if you say other wise I will stay, and whatever is going on here we will work it out, together, like how
we have always done. So please think very carefully your response.

Sanem looked at Can, tears dropping without her being able to control them. Can studied her face, Sanem took a deep breath and said "Leave."

"Ok." and he walked away.

Sanem stood there crying,

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! But I need you to stay away from me, I'm so sorry!" She cried putting her hand on her forehead.

A few minutes later she walked in Burak's room, "Are you ok?" She asked.

"I'm fine, I just can't believe he punched me!" He pretended to be shocked while he fixed his body on the hospital bed.

"Did you say something to him?"

"No, not at all. We were talking and all of a sudden he punched me."

"So, you said nothing?"

"No nothing at all."

"That's interesting, because I heard everything. I heard what you told Can, and how you provoked him. Can punched you because he was defending me, because he got furious from everything you said about me." Burak just looked at her surprised, "Oh, and you may put the restraining order on him, but keep in mind that if you do I will tell the police what really happen and we will see who wins."

"Sanem I'm sorry, I was upset because ..."

"Because of nothing Burak." Sanem went to walk away but she turned around and said "And I think we can conclude that I don't ever want to see you. I don't care what you tell the cops as long as you don't get Can involve, or else like I said I will tell the truth. Have a nice life, and I hope to never come across you ever again." And she walked out.

Heart Rate Pt. 1 (✅ #7 EDITING) (11/17/19 - 3/22/20)Where stories live. Discover now