🙈 Sneak peek 🙈 # 2

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Author's note:

Hello everyone, I know sneak peek 1 hasn't been posted, but I wanted to show you guys a little sneak peek of what's about to come in the next two or three chapters.

So this is sneak peek number 2, 😊 and this sneak peak will happen before the first sneak peek. 😊

Hope you all like it 😊

I'll give you a clue, is a rough Sneak peek!

"SON OF A BITCH! HOW DARE YOU!" Can pushed Engin against the wall and punched him in the face, making Engin bleed from his nose.

"Can enough!" Emre yells

"No! This asshole deserves everything I will do to him!" He yelled and punched Engin in the stomach, making him cough. "You deserve that and more!" Can yelled at Engine and punched him again in the face, this time he was bleeding from his mouth. "You like to hit women! Well I will teach you what happens when a man hits a woman!" Can grabbed Engine by his throat and started to chocked him.

"Can let him go!" Emre yelled at trying to take his hands from Engin's throat.


"YES!" Emre yelled, "But let him go." Can looked at him, and then he looked at Engin who was on the verge of passing out and Can let go of him, making Engine drop to his knees coughing trying to catch his breath.

"She's an amazing person, she's the best thing out there, and you treated her like THIS!" Can yelled at Engin while he was sitting on the floor still trying to catch some air.

"Can! Enough!"

"No Emre This asshole... this asshole mistreated her, threw her down the stairs, he... made her lose her baby! He... he should rot in hell!" Can grabbed Engine by the collar of his shirt and stood him up. "I should kill you right here, right now!" Can barked softly.

"And if you do that, you go to jail!" Can looked at Emre. " Let him go and we either call the cops or take him to the cops, either way, they are waiting for Sanem to wake up, so they can to take her statement. But I think is better is we take him to them."

"No! I'll kill him NOW!" Can kepted looking at Engin.

"Listen to me!" Emre yelled at Can and Can looked at Emre, "I understand you! I'm with you, Sanem doesn't deserve this. But she needs you, me, and all of us. When she wakes up she's going to need us, you know this. You know how exited she was with the baby, this is going to break her,and if your in jail she's going to be even more upset. Come on don't do anything stupid, Can please." Emre begged, "I know you two are still mad at each other, but please, I know Sanem needs you, please don't do anything stupid."

"Emre, This mother fucker punched her in the stomach and then he threw her down the stairs making her lose the baby! HIS BABY!" He gave the killer look to Engine, who was still trying to catch his breath while Can was holding him against the wall by the colar if his shirt.

"I know! So the best thing we can do is what I said Let's take him to the cops, they will be greatful and you might not get in trouble." Can looked at Emre again, "Come on Can let him go, what he did is called domestic violence, let's take him in and I'm sure he will be locked up for a good while." With all the anger in the world Can let him go, but grabbed his right arm and twisted placing it behind Engin's back, making Engin scream from the pain.

"Walk you dick head, if you had the balls to hit a woman now deal with all of this pain I'm causing you." And Can pushed him still holding onto his arm that was behind Engin's back.

"Can careful you can brake his arm." Emre said

"Do I care?"

"You should, because you can go to jail, and Nazli, Bulut, and Sanem need you." And Can noded.

They all walked out of the apartment, into the elevator, out of the building, got in a taxi and told the taxi driver to take them to the nearest police station.

😊So, there you have it! 😊

🥰Thank you for reading. Hope you guys like the chapter! 🥰

🥰Don't forget to let me know what you guys think about the chapter, 😊 and give me a start! ⭐ 🥰

🥰😊Have a wonderful day 🌄 or night 🌃 Everyone 😊🥰

Heart Rate Pt. 1 (✅ #7 EDITING) (11/17/19 - 3/22/20)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora