Part 2 - Chapter 15

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i awoke all of a sudden when i heard a loud bang and smash. it wasnt robbers or anything though, it was a storm. the bed was soaking and the window was smashing against the walls, the lamp fell on the ground and smashed to bits. lucky it wasnt on or it wouldve burnt the house down. i quickly got up and shut the window tight. it was pitch black outside so i checked my phone, it was 10:25, i guess the storm was making it dark. i quickly had a shower and got changed.

i walked into the hall and heard the tv blasting. everyone was on the lounge with tea watching anime. why wasnt i invited! i walked to the kitchn and turned on the kettle. i got a mug out of the cupboard and put some sugar and a teabag in, when the kettle was done i poured in some water and got the milk out of the fridge. when the milk was in i walked to the armchair and sat down.

"so, guys, can i ask you something?"
"sure" they all said in sync
"uhhh...." Q said from the opposite side of the room.
"umm.." trent spoke from the couch
"welll...." alice whispered from her seat on the ground
"because now that we know whats happening we decided you definitely need to rest more and yeah, we thought you defintietly needed sleep today, since what happened yesterday."
"well shit dude, i guess waking up soaking wet and having ,y ears ringing with sound is great for my condition isnt it?"
"shit, i guess i forgot to close the window.." Q spoke.
"ya think."
"yeah, sorry about that." i took a sip of my tea and watched the anime, lucky star.

i wanted to watch but i couldnt help but notice the hazardous storm outside. the sounds were bloodcurdling, i ussually loved storms, but this one was different. it was like a slaughter of hurricanes, screaming, with the reckoning and assult.

i couldnt put my finger on it, but there was something wrong. my body just felt like it was going to collaplse in this catastrophe. there was a large buzz and all of a sudden the power went out. darkness was looming over us  it felt like a nightmare. there was another large bang and the toxic situation turned for the worse.

the tv fizzled and deadly sparks were flying everywhere, devastating all of us.

"well shit, the tv blew up." i stated.
"yeah, its really creepy and strange in here, its like the apocalypse." trent said wondorously
"ok, so were going to die, very comforting trent."
"no, not like that. like, its creepy and i can just imagine a zombie bursting through the door."
"totally." i said with so much sarcasm it was weird even for me.

at that moment there was a frigtening bang at the door. it was very loud but it sounded human. like a knock or something.the storm was getting worse and i wasnt prepared to go out and see what was at the door.

"shot not!" i shouted.
"shot not!" trent, alice and Q had said in sync.
"shot no-...." carlos started
"FUCK!" he shouted. but nonetheless he walked to the door.

 when he got to the door we all stood behind him warily. we all expected a zombie to emerge from the door after what trent had said, but that was very unlikely. when carlos opened the door we all stepped back, but the refugee of th storm wasnt a zombie at all. it was a small brown puppy, i belive it was a Labrador. i ran forward and picked him up, he was soaking wet and looked malnurished. i put him on the coach and ran to the bathroom, grabbed a towel and went back to the couch. i dried the dog and got some meat from the fridge, we had sausages in there so i grabbed one. i also got a small bowl of water.

"i vote that we call him zombie" i said looking at him.
"agreed." Q agreed.
"yeah." alice, carlos and trent agreed also.

i went to the attic and got a cardboard box, 50cm by 50cm. i cut open the top and put a pillow and blanket in it, for a make do dog bed. it was still only the morning but i alrady felt very tired. maybe the guys were right, i need sleep.

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