Chapter 6

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Alice had just left to stay with her boyfriend and already i was feeling lonely. i didnt have a target so that was my goal for the week, find a target. my friends cousin ended up being a total drag so that was a swing and miss. every other guy i knew was just all kinds of nasty. crap. 

that night i wrote down the names of evrery guy i knew, and even ones my friends knew. just for variety. i ended up choosing a guy named Quentin. Q for short. he was a year older than me and was very smart and kind. perrrrrfffffffeeeeecccctttttt.

the next morning i went to the park with some friends(including Q) we were playing on the swings and slides and stuff for a while, we are so childish. we talked about school and home and work, the conversation trailed and before i knew it we were talking about octonauts...

at lunch time we went down to the fish and chip shop. we got slushies there aswell, becuase it was a very hot day. after wwe had lunch we went down to the football grounds to play on the feild. first we were playing soccer, then football, and eventually we were all just laying in the middle of the feild. the whole point of today was to get Q to notice me, but did it work. i looked around at who was where and Q was in fact next to me. result.

about an hour later everyone had gone and i was on my way home aswell. i was contemplating the events of the day. did he notice me, was he laying next to me? or was he in fact just laying down and it was coincidentally next to me? either way we were talking so yeah that was a good sign.

that night i spoke to alice on the phone, she was having a great time. they had watched a movie in the cinemas and went to dominoes for lunch, then they had gone to the pool and were now having ramen for dinner. apparently her boyfriend is alot richer than he seems, he infact lives in a penthouse in brisbane, not just any normal apartment like alice had thought. shes so lucky. fuck. its 3am and i have school tommorow, i said goodbye to alice and went to bed. i wonder what tomorrow will bring.

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