Chapter 4

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on the first day of the flirtation project bruce asked me out, for the third time. but, since that was aasinst the rules and i thought he was gross, i declined.  carlos probably asked/ pleaded alice go out with him for the millionth time, aswell. but this was getting us nowhere. we needed to get to work!

 all the guys at my school were completely gross, so that was already out of the picture. i started talking to this guy that my friend tried setting me up with months ago, he was nice but not my type. alice talked to zane alot more, he was starting to talk to her alot more aswell. i have to admit, he was very hot. very. 

i had a few choices. well, ones that i also liked. they were not that bad, but, hey, im desperate, i dont wanna have to do some gross crap like shove my hand down a toilet...

it seems like im just horrible at relationships. alice, however was fairly good, she had a boyfriend a couple weeks before the bet started, but that shattered like a mirror, it was still something though right? she also had a few guys trailing after her, who she could easily develop feelings for. whereas all the guys that new me were either afraid of me( i do alot of boxing and coukd knock them flat, im alos very fit and strong) or they hated me, ussualkly im a very nice girl, to nice. but when someone insults one of my friends or pushes me over the limit, i will go off so much! 

after some very hard working i had met a very nice guy. his name was casey. he was increibly intelligent and had glasses, like me. he had brown hair, to his ears. bright blue eyes like the sky, and, he was fairly fit aswell. perfect for me! unfortunately we were not an item, he was new at the school and we soon became friends, i liked him more than that but i wasnt sure if he felt the same way.

alice had also found a guy of her own. he looked exactly like sora from kingdom hearts. her perfect match, kingdom hearts was her most favourite thing in the world. she was obsessed with this one picture of a guy cosplaying sora, it was the hottest thing ever, she had tried to stalk him on instagram for ages but never found him. about a month later she found him, and she wasnt even looking at that point. they started talking about kingdom hearts to start with, but they eventually became best friends, then more than that, and before i knew it they were dating!

so we both had a man that we loved to bits( although for me the feeling wasnt mutual) this was when the project started to intensify. we had a man now we just had to keep them...  :/ 

first dare of the project so far, i had to ask out casey. the terror and neverousness in my stomache was to much. i ended up vomitting on his shoes. blue globes. nice. he did however talk to me on facebook that afternoon and i asked him then, and after that i got made fun of at school even more, but the reason wasnt what you would think, i got made fun of by all the bitches because im "ugly" so how could i get a boyfriend. that was why, becuase they were the type of girls who did anything to make people feel bad, they were also the type of girls i would beat up becuase they believe they are "so very tough" yeah fucking right!


sorry guys, i havent updated in a few days becuase homework is horrendous, but do not fear, i will make sure i update whenevr i can :) 

p.s. sorry for all the grammar mistakes, im quite careless :)

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