Part 2 - Chapter 2

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After my first two classes i went to subway for some lunch. i got a sub, a drink and a cookie, without even looking at the register the guy said 12.95. i looked down at hios nametag, Cornelious.

"wow, whats someone with those math skills doing at subway?" i joked.
"haha, i actually attend USC."
"really? me too. im Jenny."
"im cornelious, nice to meet you." i shook his hand

after i ate i went to my physics class, it was the one class i had with Q. when i got there i walked into the lecture theatre and sat in the third row. only a few people were there becuase the lecture didnt start for another five minutes. about three minutes later it was nearly full. but yet Q wasnt there.  it may sound harsh but im glad hes not here. i thought to myslef. physics was my major and he was always talking to me during it. honestly i dont think he will pass physics.

after another two minutes he still wasnt there and Ms Reign walked in and started the lecture, Q would probably download it off the uni site to watch but never actually end up watching it. he always did stuff like that.

today we were talking about vectors and scalers, very easy tenth grade stuff. at the end of the lecture Ms reign passed out sheets that were filled with all the crap we had to have done by monday. and what a surprise, we needed another $200 textbook. great.

as soon as the session ended i went to the library to see if they had the textbook so i could save myslef some money. luckily they had 2 copies left, i would also have to share with Q. seeing as i ahdnt seen him at all today i assumed he was either murdered or slept in and just stayed home. he is such a dumbass sometimes, why do i date him? because you love him, his adorable smile, messy hair, cute words.  i could kill the voices in my head sometimes. but as much as i hate to admit it they were right. he was one of the nicest guys ever, we were separated when we were in highschool but we made an effort to see eachother on weekends.

when i was finished getting the book I sat in my car and waited for Alice. i had my feet on the dash and was twidling my thumbs, it was boring. i got out the textbook and started reading it might as well, theres nothing else to do.  when i was on page 36 alice finally showed up. and i started the engine.

"what took you so long princess?"
"haha funny story actually, you see i was in japanesse class with Carlos and we were talking to eachother in japanesse when-"
"when you accidently said something bad about Mr rohas and he overheard so you got held back?"
"yeah, how'd ya know?"
"its not the first time."

i revrsed onto the road and made my way back to the apartment. when we arrived i suddenly remembered that Q did not attend so i quickly grabbed my bags and ran up the stairs.

"where is he?" i asked Carlos. he just stared and pointed to my bedroom. i half ran to the door. i dumped my bags on the floor just inside the door and put my hands on my hips. Q was sitting on the bed reading a book.

"oh, hey babe." he put the book down.
"hey babe my ass. why didnt you go?"
"i overslept!"
"thats the fourth time this month!"
"Quentin James foster."
"oh crap." i took a few steps closer to him and he slighty went backwards.
"you better get your shit together boy."
"ha-ha-ah... umm... look ill go tomorow, for the rest fo the month."
"tommorow is the 31st Quentin. dont play dumb with me."
"okay. okay. i promise to go everyday for the rest of the year."
"you better. or you'll be sleeping on the couch."
"i will. i swear on my life." he did he cute little smile, he was trying to crack me. i kept a straight face. but then his smile extended and he pulled a funny face. i couldnt help it. i burst out laughing.

"come here." he took a step towards me.
"ya bitch." i smiled and hugged him. he hugged me tighter and then picked my up.
"haha whatif i dont?"
"then you'll be dating the couch for the rest of the year."
"haha ok ok. dont go that far." he put me down while laughing. 

i went out of the room and into the kitchen. i opened the fridge and got out a bottle of water. alice was making dinner so i plonked on the lounge once again and and turned on New Girl.

all of a sudden carlos burst through the front door covered in sweat.

"HOLY CRAP" he yelled slamming the door bahind him.

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