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*Savanna's POV* 

It was four months before we were able to take AnnieMireya home. And during those four months, Chris, Sam and her half, Kate, and I practically lived inside that hospital. She was never alone during that time. Two months after we first saw her, she was moved into the nursery. Even then, we crowded the area when she was there. A month later, I was finally able to hold her. She'd gotten bigger of course. Each passing day we were there, we witnessed her growing, getting stronger, healthier. She no longer needed the breathing tube. They still monitored her heartbeat of course. But, much to my relief, I was told that she was going to grow up to be a strong, perfectly healthy little girl. Chris and I nearly wept at the news. It'd been our biggest fear that I had caused some unknown, irreversible damage. 

Danny came to say goodbye to me a month or so before we were able to leave. It was unbelievably awkward having Chris meet him, the guy who was there to hug me, take care of me while he had been away in England. There was a mutual respect  held for one another, that much was undeniably clear. Chris had thanked him for taking care of me and Danny shook his head, telling Chris not to leave me again, that I was too precious to leave. It was clear that my fiancee agreed with him because my love pulled me to him and kissed the top of my head. Saying goodbye to Danny was easier than I thought it would be. He was completely understanding, saying that if he had the chance to be with his family again, he'd take it in a heartbeat. He also told me that he was happy for me that I was in one piece and that I had my little family back. I kissed his cheek and held him close for a while, thankful that this kind, loving man took the time to love me, even if it was just for a short period of time. He kissed my forehead goodbye before he left, promising to stay in touch. 

When she was released the nurses gave us a smile and a take home "Day 1"Diaper bag. They wished us luck as we took our little girl home. The first night was brutal needless to say. Neither one of us had gotten much sleep. She woke up every three hours, demanding to be fed or changed. But Chris and I didn't complain. We'd lose any and all sleep for her. After everything we've been through, our little miracle was the easiest thing we could take care of and tend to. We loved every minute of that very sleep deprived night, although neither one of us would admit it right away. 

I planned for the wedding to take place five months after we'd brought our daughter home. An autumn wedding. I planned it this way, mainly for the weather. Any sooner, it'd be scorching. Any later, we'd get bipolar weather. #H-Town. I managed to coax Chris into having it on the beach. He hated the sand, but after a long and lengthy talk, he finally agreed. 

On the day of our wedding, I was a bundle of nerves. I'd woken up with a zit on my chin. I screamed when I saw it, causing Sam and Kate to run into the room and little AnnieM woke up. 

"What's going on?" they cried as they came through the door, my daughter's cries filling the space between their words. I hurriedly picked up my baby girl, cradling her to my chest. 

"I have a zit!" I announced, horrified. They looked at each other. 

"We got you!" they said. Kate called for her girlfriend, who came in and was handed off my child so my best friends could get my zit handled and me prepped for the big day. I trailed after them into the bathroom, knowing it'd be a long time before I got out. 

Around 2 o'clock, they deemed me fit to put on my dress. Before I did see the light again, I took a once over at myself. They made me take a shower and when I got out, they waxed my legs, trimmed my eyebrows before waxing those too. They plucked any and all hair they could find, before waxing my underarms. When they were done, was as pink as the day I was brought into this world. Then they sat me down in only my towel and started to blow dry my hair. Thirty minutes later, Sam was curling it while Kate did my makeup. She went with a natural base, with soft pink eye shadow and slight blush while she gave me a cheery blossom pink lip. The best thing over all, was that my zit virtually disappeared. I turned to my friends and gathered them in a hug. 

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