He Came Back

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*Savanna's POV* 

The next morning, since I was off of work and it was the weekend, I didn't wake up until late morning. When I woke up, my blanket tried to coax me into staying with them but I threw it off and sighed. I think it was around eleven when I decided to roll out of bed. I reached over to check my phone and noticed I had a text from Danny. I pulled it up and smiled. He was so sweet. 

Danny Boy: 10:34 A.M. 

Morning beautiful! Dinner tonight, my place around 6?I'll come pick you up and for dessert, I have ice cream. :) 

I smiled as I quickly typed a responce. 


11:15 AM 

Sounds lovely! I'll be ready. Can't wait . Keep it cold and please let it be rocky road. lol :) 

After sending my reply, I got up and stretched, my limbs a bit stiff from sleeping on my side. It was the only position my little girl would let me sleep in, not that I really minded anything when it came to my little princess. I giggled as I rubbed my stomach before I got up. Oh lordy, was she going to be spoiled by me, Danny and her godmummies. :)

I grabbed a sundress and some undergarments before I shuffled to the bathroom to take a nice, long, hot shower. It helped me with the morning sickness I felt. It kept it at bay for the most part and there was no way in hell, I wasn't going to take advantage of that. While I made the transition from my room to the bathroom, I heard commotion in the kitchen. Someone was probably making breakfast. I opened the door and closed it behind me quickly. Oh shit, I really had to freaking pee! 


*Sam's POV* 

Alexander was in the kitchen making omelets for everyone when I walked in. Though he looked as delicious as ever, in sweat pants that hung on his hips, showing off his delicious body, I was seeing red. My fists were clenched with the urge to punch him in the face or the gut or both maybe. I can't believe him. I was beyond furious with this asshole in front of me. 

Last night I could tell he was waiting for something, I didn't know if it was for him to do something or waiting for someone, so I had delayed going to bed for as long as I could before I 'went to bed'. Once he left the bedroom and walked back down the hall, I followed him. I had heard his conversation. I heard Alexander tell him. I heard him tell Chris EVERYTHING. Fucking EVERYTHING. I can't believe he would do this, especially after the fight he and Sav had and the one we had too a while back. I just can't believe he would go behind my back and tell Chris about Sav, when it wasn't his choice, right or anything else that would have allowed him to tell the bastard that left my best friend after everything they've been through. So when he came to bed, I played it off as though as I was asleep and let him believe that he got away with murder. It took a lot in me not to strangle him as he cozied up to me in the middle of the night. 

Now, I sat down at the island and glared at him, waiting for him to turn around before I tore him apart and threw the meager pieces of what was left of him into the garbage disposal. The shower was running and I knew Sav would be in there for a while before she came out. She took longer showers now that she was pregnant. She said it helped her morning sickness. Alexander finally turned around and he jumped when I just "appeared in front of him." . When he saw me, his face went pale. I knew I had my bitch mode on along with my 'you're in deep shit boy, so just shut the fuck up so we can get your ass whooping over with" face on. He knew what it meant. He knew he was in deeep shit now. 

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