A Phone Call

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Goal wasn't reached. Oh well. You've all waited long enough. No more goals, sound good? *nods* K. Enjoy.

*Sav's POV* 

The weekened went by with nothing eventful, well besides robo-Chris. It was kind of awkward between us though, since we ran into his ex. Chris hasn't said much to me or anyone really and I knew he was going down memory lane, dredging up old scars that he shouldn't be opening. It was so obvious that he was hurting a bit, ok well more than a bit, from seeing her, remembering their love, their past, and I felt horrible because I didn't know what to say or do to him to make it better, to make him snap out of it, to make him go back to normal. I wanted my boyfriend back. Sue me. But what could I say to him? What do you say? It wouldn't have taken the hurt away, or taken the memories away either, or made any difference. He just was now on autopilot and I doubted there was anything I could do to get him out of it. It killed me to know that I wouldn't be able to fully help him, and I tried to distract him, food, booze, sex: the works. Nothing worked. He would just glance over it or me and give a half ass remark before going back to moping around the apartment or zoning out. I even called Alexander and asked him what to do. I didn't get much of an answer; he just said that Chris would snap out of it after a couple days and just to leave him alone.  

When Monday came, he was still pretty out of it and honestly, this was starting to piss me off. She did this to him and now I was paying the price for her fucking mistakes and so was he, not to mention the fact that he was so out of it. I hated the fact that she could still affect him, even now. I guess I get how he felt with the whole Evan/Josh thing. Honestly I don't know he didn't lose his damn mind while we dealt with that. I feel like I'm going insane. At the office, he barely spared me a ghost of a kiss (only because I made the move to get one) before he went to his office without a so much as I love you or I'll see you later. Usually there was a half make out session that was one undone button away from it being a full out sex scene in the elevator before he went up and it almost always ended with an I love you and I will see you later, with a wink at the end. Chris wasn't really himself, but that was then again that was the fucking duh statement of the freaking century.

I sighed and went into my office. I started to work, though my mind was mainly focused on my boyfriend. I knew I would have to go back and go through what I already did later. The work I did was complete crap. I could see that in my half there stage. The morning went by in a blur and at noon, I got up to go get Chris. He hasn't called me, so I bet he was pent up in his office, remembering her. If you say I'm being bitter about this, I'd agree. I hated that another woman was affecting him like this. I hated she had some control over him. I went to elevator and hit his floor button. I tapped my foot impatiently as I waited to get to his floor. The doors opened and I was out within the milisecond. I knocked on his door, but barged in a moment later. 

Chris was standing up, looking out his window. Despite his gorgeous view of the city below and around him, he seemed uninterested in the view and in his reflection, it was easy to tell that Chris wasn't in the present. He was down memory lane again, like he'd been all weekened. I had to pull him out of it. I'm getting tired of this 'chris', if you could call him that. 

"Chris?" I called out.  He didn't respond. He didn't so much as blink. I huffed and walked over to him. I slipped into the space between my boyfriend and the window.

"Chris? Baby?"

Nothing. He just kept staring out the window above me. And it was at this moment that I hated the fact that he was taller than me.

"Baby, please talk to me. Let me help you. You're scaring me." His face didn't even twitch. I sighed and then did the only thing I knew would snap him out of it. 

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