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*Sav's POV *

Sam and I were driven home the next night.  They dropped us off at our apartment after we bid them a kiss filled goodbye. I walked inside,  still on cloud 9. Sam waved goodnight before she went to her room. I changed into pajama's before I watched Criminal Minds for a bit before I fell asleep.

The next morning, it felt a bit odd going back into routine after the weekend. It had just been so amazing.  I changed quickly and was off to work before 7:30. I made it go my office in five minutes and went to my office. I was nearly there I bumped into someone,  causing their folders to fall to the ground.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry," I said as i kneeled down to help pick them up.

"It's not a problem," a female voice said. I looked up and was met with a pair of big blue eyes. The girl was really pretty with a button nose, soft looking lips, and black hair with startling blue eyes.

"Hi I'm Elizabeth,  but you can call me Eli or Beth," she said. I smiled.

"I'm Savanna, but you can call me Sav," I said. She nodded.

"Oh you're the EIC," she said. I nodded.  "Well I'm you're Co EIC." I made a confused face.

"Really? I wasn't informed about this," I said. She shrugged.

"Oh I'm sorry," she said, standing up. I did too and my office phone rang.

"Excuse me," I said before going to answer it. I pulled it off the reciever. "Savanna Blackwell."

"Hey love, I was just calling to inform you that you will have a Co EIC, Elizabeth Monroe." I giggled.

"Oh yeah. I just met her actually. Thanks for the heads up," I said. He chuckled.

"Well would you rather me have told you over the weekend?" he asked. 

"No," I replied. "Anyways,  I have to go.  goodbye."

"Bye love." I hung up and turns back to Eli or Beth. 

"That was Mr. James. He just told me the I would have a Co EIC," I said giggling.  She laughed with me.

"Well that was helpful," she replied. I nodded. "Well it was nice to meet you.  Maybe we can have lunch today,  since I don't know anyone?"

I nodded.  "Sounds good." she smiled before she went to her office. I went back to mine and got to work after getting a cup of coffee of course.


When lunch came,  Eli came to get me and together we went to lunch. We talked and laughed. She was really cool. She was funny and we were into the same things.  She and I just clicked right away. We walked back, still joking around. I waved to her before we split off and went back to work.

before I knew it, it was late. The only reason I knew that was because Chris called me.


"It's me. I know you haven't left your office. Come on," he said. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes sir."

I hung up and gathered my stuff. I turned off the light and shut the door. Then I noticed another office light was still on. I walked over and knocked at the door,  a smirk tugging on my lips as i watched the black haired woman worked.

"Hey Eli," I called. Her head snapped towards me, her eyes wide. "It's late."

She laughed. "You had someone call you eh?" she asked, grabbing her bag. I laughed.

"No. my boyfriend just called so I'd see him," I said as she walked towards me. She nodded. 

"Thanks for coming to get me," she said as we headed towards the elevator.  I nodded. 

"No problem. I nearly stayed her til midnight once," I said giggling. She shook her head at me as the doors opened. I didn't have time to react as someone arms wrapped around my waist and they pressed their lips to mine.  I knew it was Chris and I kissed him back quickly before I shoved him away.

"Warn a girl next time before you jump her, yeah?" I snapped pouting at him. He gave me a cheeky smile. Someone cleared their throat. I turned to Eli.

"I didn't know your boyfriend was the boss," she said, a tone in her voice that I didn't like. Chris answered before I could.

"This happened after I hired her. She was the perfect candidate for the job and her amazing personality was just a bonus," he said, his eyes on her an hard edge to his voice.  I smacked him.

"Really Chris? Don't try to intimidating her, " I said, pinching him playfully.  I turned to Eli. "He is right though. We became involved after I am hired here."

She nodded, a disbelieving look in her eyes but she didn't say anything. It was awkward while we waited to leave. When we came to the doors, I bid Eli a cheerful goodbye. Chris grumbled his and I elbowed him gently.

"Be nice," I scolded.  He rolled his eyes but escorted me to his car.

"She doesn't like this," he said,  as we got in. I nodded.

"Yeah I could tell."

He started driving. He reached over and took my hand. It was a small gesture but it made me smile. it was nice to have him with me after everything we've gone through. He pulled to a stop in front of my apartment. He tugged on my hand and I looked at him. He leaned in for a kiss and I gave him a good one before I pulled away.

"Bye Chris," I said reaching for the doorhandle.

"Bye, love you," he said.

I leaned down and said "I love you too" before I went inside. God it was nice for things to be normal.

One Nightحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن