78 ; Revised

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🚨 Trigger Warning: Domestic violence mention in Jackie's 2nd Point of View flashbacks.
Stars Dance
Chapter 78
Jackie's Point of View

A RAY OF sunlight beamed through my room, and I woke up with a massive headache. I caressed the side of my head and I yawned, I could really go for a coffee and a seltzer right now. I looked around my room and it was empty. I had a very limited understanding of what happened last night. All I remember was Levi bringing me back to the door, and shouting at him for some reason.
I was clearly nude under my bed sheet, I stretched before I wrapped the sheet around me and stood up from the bed. I walked over to my dresser and looked at myself in the mirror, marcara running down my tear stained cheeks and very bad bed hair. I leaned into the mirror to grab some of the make up remover and use it to take off the crap from my face.
The door clicked opened and my eyes widen, when I see Adam walk in through the door with coffee cups. I quickly turned around. "What the hell are you doing here?" I exclaimed.
"Listen, I know you don't remember anything." He said setting down the coffee cups on the small table in the middle of the room, and held his hands up in defeat.
I looked around the room and the pieces of the puzzle were coming together, my mind went back to last night and I squeezed my eyes tightly shut, when I realized. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." I whispered to myself.
"Please before you—" He began explaining.
"Please tell me you and I did absolutely nothing last night?" I said pinching the bridge of my nose.
"Oh we did more than nothing last night." He admitted.
I sighed and rolled my eyes. "We'll you finally got in between my legs, you're free to go." I point at the door. "You got what you wanted."
He chuckled at my comment. "More like I was in between yours last night" He said and my eyes widen. "Also, it's like you don't know me at all, you really thought I was going to just sleep with you and then just get up and leave?"
"Nothing will even come close, you're already promised to some other girl, so yes, I did. Expect it." I say sarcastic and walk over to my dressed to look for a t-shirt and shirts. "Don't wanna keep Annalise waiting." I say finding humor in my sad life. "Her knight and shining armor has disappeared into the night, with the mistress." I joke.
"For once could you take this serious?" He pressed.
"Take this serious? You are fucking getting married!" I exclaimed. "So if I wanna laugh at this situation, I can!" I defended. "What did you think? I was gonna cry for you forever?" I scoff.
"I could sit here and recount to you the whole night, if you want me to, I can. If that's what you really want me to do." He explains.
I rolled my eyes and dropped the bed sheet standing there nude while I try to put my shirt over my head. I catch his eyes widen and he turns around. "Don't be ridiculous, nothing you haven't seen before." I shimmy my underwear and shorts up my thighs.
"I still respect you, you know." He says.
"Oh wow thanks." I say sarcastically. "What would it be if you didn't? Hmm I wonder...oh yes I remember now, you're literally months from getting fucking married."
He pinched the bridge of his nose. "One chance, just give me one chance to explain everything, and if after everything you hear you decide you don't want there to be an us then I'll leave you alone." He says. "As hard as it is for me to walk away from everything we've been through, I will walk out this door." He points. "Tell me you don't love me anymore afterwards and I'll leave, forever." He gives me an ultimatum.
I scoff. "You're not seriously giving me an ultimatum?" I step close to him.
"Tell me you don't love me anymore." He whispers.
"You're ridiculous." I roll my eyes.
"I'm not, last night you were telling me all these things in my ear, that I could never love another woman that wasn't you." He recalls last nights events. "And you're right, there is no other woman for me, that isn't you." He says. "Because it will always be you, I will run back to you, in this life and the next, because you're the only one I've ever seen myself with. From the moment you walked in with my brother on that stupid double date, in a pretty pretty blouse and skirt, I knew then, and I know know, that it will always be you." He says whole heartedly.
I was speechless, I truly was. No man ever, has ever confessed their love for me. Most of those encounters were quickies, random hook ups, and here was this guy standing in front of me, confessing his whole heart to me. It didn't erase the fact that he was completely mine, at the end of the night he was going to go back home to his perfect life, and build one with her.
"I'm listening." Those two words left my lips.
Selena's Point of View

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