64 ; Revised

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Trigger Warning: Zayn's POV - Flashback
Stars Dance
Chapter 64
Zayn's point of View

THE MORNING I woke up to Jackie's arm sprawled near my face, and half her leg over mine, this house wasn't big and there was a limited amount of space. My mum had a pull out bed for Jackie and set it near my bed, and since I had a single bed, last night Jackie and I thought the more room the better. Waking up this morning, in my bed here at home felt strange. I looked around at the things I possessed throughout my high school years, and how I hadn't been here in a long time. The posters, the knickknacks...
With Jackie beside me on the pull out bed, sound asleep, it felt like she and I were warped back to our high school years and nothing had changed. To many, Jackie and I's relationship was weird, but not to her and I. Especially not to my mom and sisters, they've known Jackie for a long time. My two younger sisters, shared a room and Doniya needed her own space, she was a grown woman and although she's known Jackie for as long as I have, she and I have always been closer.
"Breakfast!" I heard my mom shout from the bottom of the stairs.
I lazily got out of bed, and Jackie began shifting in her sleep, I decided to quickly head down the hall for a quick shower, grabbing some clothes from my drawer and a towel hanging on the back of my door on the hook. I grabbed one of the pillows on my bed, and I tossed it harshly near, Jackie's face. "Get up." I said before heading towards the door.
"Fuck off." She groaned and tossed the sheets over her face.
I rolled my eyes and headed down the hall, just when I was about to open the door, it busted open, and it was one my younger sisters. "Morning brother." Wailyha said.
I smiled. "Morning sis."
Catching me by surprise, she embraced me in a hug, and I wrapped my arms around her back. "I missed you so much." She whispers. "Between you and me" she looks down the stair case before turning her attention back to me. "I'm actually kinda glad you got suspended." She admits.
"Is that so?" I chuckle at her comment.
She puts her index finger over her mouth. "Shh, down don't tell mum."
"My lips are sealed." I played along.
She smiled. "See you down stairs for breakfast." She says.
"Ok, and if you can try waking up sleeping beauty over there." I pointed at my half opened door, where Jackie mostly still slept, the pillow toss did nothing.
"I'll see what I can do." She said walking past me as I made my way into the bathroom, getting ready for a shower. "Jackie!" I heard Wailyha shout at the top of her lungs. "Wake up!" She followed, and the creaking of the bed afterwards, and Jackie groaning loudly. "Wake up, wake up! Mum made breakfast, French toast your favorite!" I heard and chuckled closing the door behind me.
I changed into some clothes after taking a quick shower and I made my way down the stairs. I heard chatter as I turned the corner and it was my sisters, Jackie, who was yawning and my mum who was walking back and forth from the table to the kitchen setting everything down.
"Let me help you there Tricia." Jackie said to my mum.
"Oh nonsense darling, I got it." She said. "You just sit there and eat, I'm almost done bringing everything from the kitchen." She said.
"Zayn!" Safaa approached me and her height was smaller than mine, she embraced me into a hug. "I missed you." She said.
"Is uni as scary as they make it seem?" She questioned. "One of my teachers, said that the professors won't be so leaning on schoolwork as they are, is that true?" Safaa was in last few years of primary school and her imagination ran as wild as long as you let her talk. "I hope I get into a good uni like you." She rambled on. "But don't get suspended in the process."
"Safaa." My mother caught hold and Jackie's eyes widen and lightly chuckled sipping into her orange juice.
"Ok, why don't we sit down for breakfast? I missed you too kiddo." I smiled.
She nodded her head, and sat down in a sit beside me, while Wailyha sat on the other side next to Jackie, and my mom sat on the end closest to me. I noticed the empty chair, and it reminded me of my fathers absence in this house, long ago when he would be gone weeks at a time. I grow slightly tense, closing my eyes for a slight second, being in this house was just a trigger in a moment waiting to happen.
"I don't need this from you Tricia! Just let me come home in peace please!" I heard my father shout at my mother at the top of his lungs as soon as I walked in through the door of the house.
I was surprised to hear him, since I hadn't seen him for nearly a week, no one has seen him for a week. We had grown accustomed to the silence of the house, when my mother, sisters and I sat down for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The presence of my father here just meant the worst days were ahead of us. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed because this house was going to turn into my personal hell in a matter of days.
"Is it?...You've made it perfectly clear it's not since you disappear every other fucking week?" My  Mother exclaimed back. "What am I suppose to tell the kids? They see you one week and don't the next! You cannot keep doing this to us!" She exclaimed.
"I work Tricia, I work to provide for you and my children, what more do you want from me? I've given you all that I have!" He shouts. "All you fucking do is bitch all the goddamn time, nothing I ever do is ever good for you!" He exclaims.
"Then why the fuck did you marry me then!?" My mother defends. "I don't ask for much, I just ask that you respect us, because we are your family and this house we call home, but all you can do is waste every fucking cent you have on alcohol, is our marriage that much of a nightmare to you that you can't even stay sober long enough so our children can see you sane for once?"
"I married you because I loved you, but it's more and more everyday I think, things between you and I aren't the same anymore." I heard my father say to my mother and my eyes widen. "But I stay for them." He says.
There is a silence between both of them for a slight second, until I heard my mother begin to sob. I grow angry and my fists ball themselves up at my sides. I dropped my bag to the side neat the hallway and make my way towards the dining room where I saw my mum sitting down crying in her hands and she looked up and saw me, sniffling. "Zayn baby." She was surprised at my presence here at home, she probably thought no one had come home just yet getting caught up in the heat of the argument with my father.
"Mum." I saw and rush to her side, embracing her in a hug and rubbing circles in her back, as I glare over at my father who begins to shift on his feet running his fingers through his hair frustrated.
"Zayn please I didn't- ...want you to see me like this-..." She wiped her tears.
"It's ok mum, it's ok." I comforted her and turned my attention to my father.
"Zayn I-..." He began.
"You have some fucking nerve showing up here." I interrupt him before he could even get a word in. "What the fuck is wrong with you making my mum cry? For your sorry ass?" I eye him from head to toe.
"Zayn, I am still your father." He defended.
"Are you?" I question rhetorically. "What kind of father leaves his children for weeks at a time? It's been weeks!" I shout angrily. "Then you show up here like it's your fucking bloody house, shouting at my mum? Demanding fucking respect? Have you lost your goddamn mind!?"
"Zayn please, baby enough." My mum tries to calm me down.
"No mum, someone has to tell him." I said standing eyes to eye with him. "What kind of son of a bitch are you?"  I exclaim.
"Zayn." He grown defensive. '"Watch your mouth."
"You know we don't need you." I chuckle. "This house was just fine, without you, peaceful matter of fact, so if you want you can leave." I point towards the door. "You think you are doing big things because you're the so called man-of-the-house." I laughed. "You're nothing. Because I am." I add. "You don't have to stay for my sisters and I, if my mum has to put with you. You're free to go, go and fuck yourself up with a bottle of booze, because it's what you love the most anyway, you can't even admit you have problem."
That was one of the many times in which I stood up to my father, I just hated to see my mum cry at his expense and I didn't care if I went to hell and back for her because he put her through so much that it got violent at one point. My father is a different person then and he is a different person now, which is why it is difficult for even me to even begin to believe that he is truly sorry for every single shit he did to me and my sisters.
"Alright mum, well Safaa and I will make out way to school, or we'll be late." Wailyha said taking one last sip of her orange juice before standing up from the table. "Come on Saf." She said and my youngest sister stood up and followed behind Wailyha.
"Alrighty, be safe please." She stood up walking them out pressing kisses on their cheeks.
"Don't do anything I wouldn't!" I shouted loud enough so they could hear me.
"I'll think about it!" Wailyha shouted back.
"Oh hurry on now, don't listen to your brother." I heard my mum say before shutting the door and making her way back to the dining room.
"Where's Doniya?" I questioned my eldest sisters absence from the breakfast table this morning as I gave the lonely chair at the other end of the table a long stare.
My mum sighed and came sat back down at the head of the table. "I didn't think this conversation would come so soon." She mumbled.
Jackie's frowned confused at my mum's words with her fork of pancake in her mouth as she and I stared at each other before I turned my attention to my mum. "What do you mean?"
My mom sighs. "I just want you to know that a lot of things have changed around here, since you left."  She says.
I chuckled. "Mum, you're making this seem like what you have to say is really bad." I said. "The house is still in one piece isn't it?" I look around and Jackie smiles at my comment. "It can't be that bad." I lift my shoulders.
"Personally" She began as she sipped into her orange juice. "I don't think it is, but I know how you can be." She said with a forced smile appearing on her face.
"Mum what is it?" I pushed.
"As you know your sister has thought about opening a small business for a while, a coffee shop...and since your father has been around here. He's help her do so." She explains.
"James did what?" I question. "What do you mean he helped Doniya open a coffee shop?"
"You sister went and took some uni classes here Zayn, got her degree-....it's not rocket science baby." She said.
"Clearly." I said scoffing. "Is that why everyone's been kissing his ass of late? What else is there?"

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