48 ; Revised

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Stars Dance
Chapter 48
Selena's Point of View

IT WAS FRIDAY morning and while Zayn and I tried to have a decent dinner yesterday night it all went down hill fast because no matter where we went Chris would magically appear out of nowhere. He never done anything to me but the sake of Zayn I thought it would be best if I distanced myself from him, so that one day Zayn wouldn't feel the need to kill him.
I cared about my relationship and the mental state of both Zayn as mine. Zayn and I were doing really well and I would like to keep it that way. We were stronger than ever and I had felt like I grown closer to him as he has to me. Zayn has changed dramatically from when I first met him to now. He was sleeping still while I has gotten up early finish up cleaning around the apartment. I wanted a free weekend not to do anything and focus on any assignment that I had for the up coming week.
I held a laundry basket in my arms held up by my hip, as I walked into the room, and saw Zayn still asleep in bed on his stomach. I smiled and walked over to corner of the room where there was a pile of dirty laundry just sitting there for a couple of days now, there hasn't been any time for me or Zayn to fully unpack, without being busy all the time. I walked over and quietly and the laundry basket down beside me on the floor, as I leaned down a started to toss clothes in the laundry basket.
My phone begun vibrating on nightstand and I quickly dropped everything, and went to go and pick it up. I eyed the caller ID and Ashely who was calling me this early in the morning. I began to get worried, afraid what could have happened. I clicked the green icon and held the phone up to my ear. "Hello?" I whispered.
As I eyed Zayn who was sleeping and glanced at the laundry basket briefly. "Selena!" She exclaimed through the line.
"Ash? It is eight in the morning." I whispered followed by a slight laugh.
"Oh my god, did I wake you?" She said.
"No, no I was already awake, I'm just confused on why you're calling me this early?" I question.
"I'm calling you because..." She trailed off happily. "There's a frat party happening tonight, and I figured we could hang out tonight since ness, you, and I haven't in a long time." She said honestly. "You know since you and Lucy aren't really friends anymore..." She said.
"A frat party?" I questioned.
"I know it's not an ideal girls night out but, it could be a good time for us to let loose and be stress free from everything?" She said that in question, afraid of my answer.
I hummed. "Ash, I don't know-..." I lifted my shoulders.
"Don't say anything yet!" She stopped me before I could say anything else. "You have all day until six tonight to think about it." She says.
"Alright, alright, I'll think about it." I smile.
"Yay!" She said excitingly.
Jackie's Point of View

I woke up the next morning with a massive headache, with my body entangled with someone else's. My eyes squinted to see who, I lied on. I lifted my chin from their torso and looked around, it was a male fully dressed just profoundly asleep.
My eyes widen at who it was, I sat up quickly and squirmed myself out of bed, I looked down at my own frame and realized I was in nothing but my bra and panties.
"What the fuck?" I harshly whispered to myself.
"Jackie?" Adam groaned sitting up on the bed and rubbing his eyelids.
"What the fuck-...what the hell happened?" I exclaimed. "And why am I fucking naked?" I said pulling the bed sheet and rapping it around my body. "Adam where the hell are we?" I questioned.
I looked around the room, and it was a simple room typical like a bachelors pad?
"Before you freak out-..." He said standing up and holding his hands in the air in defense.
"Adam what the hell happened?" I questioned.
"Nothing." He denied immediately. "Nothing of that sort if that's what you're thinking." He nodded his head from one ear to the other.
I ran my hand through my hair and groaned at the massive headache I had. "Last I remember I was with Levi...." I trailed off.
"Yeah..." He said not really knowing what else to say. "You had too much to drink last night that he didn't know how to get you out of the bar, so he called me." He admitted.
"What?" I questioned.
"When I got there you were in your bra dancing on the pool table while he was trying to pull you down." He explained.
"Oh my god." I whispered to myself.
"He couldn't take you back to the campus because you really weren't in your sense to walk yourself back to your dorm, so I brought you here to my apartment." He admitted. "It was the only solution I could think of."
"Levi, Levi, Levi....I'm going to kill you." I mumbled.
"Don't blame him, he was only looking out for you." He defended.
"By leaving me here with you?" I exclaimed.
He sighed. "Jackie why did you do it?" He questioned. "You were alright until I dropped you off from the internship interview?" He said. "What happened?"
My eyes widen and I sighed. "You know what? Thanks but no thanks." I held my head in the air. He looked at me with a confused looked. "For the internship? For trying to helping me out and all-...but I'm not taking the offer."
"Why?" He questioned.
How did I explain to him that his dad was also Zayn's father. The man that Zayn couldn't even look at in the face? I was put in a tight situation because of it this will all soon turn around into a bigger mess than I already think it is.
"Because..." I scoffed. "Because I-...I-..." I was stumbling on my words and scratching the side of my head not knowing what to say. "Because I feel like I would putting myself in a compromising situation with you" I pointed. "That will make things more complicated, which I already said you and i could never be such a thing." I lied.
"Really?" He questioned. "Because that's not what you were saying last night." He explained.
My eyes widen. "And what is it exactly I said last night according to you?" I cross my hands over my chest.
"According to you last night, you said why did it have to be me? Out of all the men in the world, me?" He explained. "Care to tell me what that was all about?"
Selena's Point of View
After hanging up the phone and focusing on the dirty laundry in the corner of the room. I tossed the clothes in the basket as I thought of Ashely and her invitation to a night out. While she did have a point about us nothing each other more than we would like to, did sound a great idea to hang out together tonight.
I've become more of a home body since getting together with Zayn. He's distanced himself from the the frat parties and that kind of atmosphere. The closest he's come to hanging out, is with Levi and sometimes it would just be the two of them.
Dragging Zayn to a frat party would not be the problem, but being there while I was trying to hangout with my friends, and not have any guy trying to hit on me the whole not was. He'd grow crazy jealous and defensive in the matter of the seconds. It was ingrained in his nature, and changing his mindset about it was not an easy task.
I could never look at another guy the way I looked at Zayn. Ever. If something were to happen in our relationship that altered things significantly, it would be more painful trying to forget him that baring the thought of him trying to win me back again. I don't think I could handle it, no matter how hard my heart tried.
Once ridding my clothes from anything in its pockets and turning my shirts inside out. I reached for Zayn's. I began turning his shirts inside out and ridding his pants out of anything from it's pockets.
I felt something cold touch my fingertips, and frowned at the feeling of the cool metal against my skin. I dug in further and reached for what felt like a necklace.
Pulling it out, my eyes widen and realized it was a necklace. A heart shaped necklace. I examined it, it looked like authentic gold. "What is this?" I whispered to myself. I turned it over and it had some engraved words on the back of the necklace, reading:
All ways in my heart, Cindy.
What? Why would Zayn have this? Who was Cindy?
Jackie's Point of View

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