62 ; Revised

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Stars Dance
Chapter 62
Selena's Point of View

JACKIE AND I literally followed after Chris and Zayn to the campus police building, minutes later we walked in, and I could hear Zayn angrily screaming at the top of his lungs. From inside where he was being held. This was a mimicked jail cell but it was scary how really this felt. What if Zayn really went to jail? In a real cell? I was actually afraid.
Adam appeared minutes later, and Jackie looked at him with worry. "My dad is on his way." Is all he said. "He will be here in literally a few minutes."
"If you just stayed in your goddamn place, and left her alone! You and I wouldn't be here!" Zayn exclaimed, I could hear him behind from behind the closed door. "I told you to stay away from her!"
"You're fucking crazy, do you hear yourself right now?" Chris argued back. "Paranoid. She broke up with you, it's done."
Jackie sighed. "Can I go in there and see him?" She questioned the security officiate. He eyed her weird.
However the man nodded his head side to side. "Not until a proper guardian can vouch for him." The man said, Jackie sighed and rolled her eyes.
Minutes felt longer than usual, when in came a figure through the campus security door. It was Zayn's father. "Hello, I'm Zayn Malik's father." He introduced himself to the security man. "What exactly is he in here for?"
"Your son was arrested for public disturbance and battery." The man says. "You three may go in and see him." He gave the ok.
"Yeah and I'll see what I can do out here." His father nodded. I quickly walked in as Jackie and Adam followed behind me.
I pushed the door open, both Zayn and Chris sat in two different cells, across from each other. Zayn sat there with some cuts and scratches but not like Chris, who did indeed have a busted lip and purple bruises quickly forming. Zayn sat there on the bench. I immediately broke down into tears and wrapped my hands around the cool metal bars.
"Your dad is trying to get you out of here ok?" I whispered.
"Oh my fucking god you called him!?" He directed his attention towards Adam.
"What the hell else was I suppose to do? You were getting taken away in a police car." Adam argued.
Zayn chuckled. "Please this place is not an actual jail cell."
"You fucking idiot take this serious, they're getting you for public disturbance and battery, for beating the living hell out of this guy." Jackie turned to look at Chris who rolled his eyes. "Deserved by the way."
"Yeah but at what cost?" Adam added.
"Malik's got his daddy bailing him out." Chris laughed.
"Fuck you." Zayn defended. "I don't see yours anywhere." Chris rolled his eyes.
"Ok enough." I stopped this before it could continue any longer. "Please be quiet...please." I whispered at zayn. He couldn't even look at me.
Zayn leaned back against the concrete wall and chuckled. "This is all fucking crazy." He mumbled to himself. The door creaked open and in walked Zayn's father. He eyes his son and the diss appointment yet guilt was clear in his eyes. Adam looked at his father with anticipation waiting for him to say something. Zayn sighed. "You don't even have to tell me, I know James." He said annoyed. "I failed you as a son, I'm a disappointment, but you take some responsibility for it because of how shit of a father you are." He recited. James eyes widen slightly followed by a small sigh and zayn caught hold. "What? It's no fucking secret." He lifted his shoulders carelessly.
Jackie pinched the bridge of her nose and I stood there waiting for his father to say something. When Adam decided to break the tension. "What's going to happen to him?" Adam questioned.
"Well he's not expelled." His father said informing Zayn's statement from seconds ago. "Surprisingly, it happened in the diner and not on campus, also the diner is not looking to press charges." He said.
"Thank god." I closed my eyes for a slight second.
"However, he is suspended off campus grounds for a few days." His father finished.
"Great..." Zayn said carelessly.
"Which is why I'm sending you home to Bradford." His father said.
"Bradford?" Zayn questioned.
"You're going to see your Mum and maybe she can knock some sense into you, because this has gone far enough, first with your brother now this? It's ridiculous." He said angrily.
Zayn chuckled. "Well I don't know if you fucking forgot or what James but that is the exact reason mum sent me here to London, for the same damn thing."
"You need to be grounded, take time to yourself, collect yourself, someone has to put some sense into you and if you won't listen to me this let it be your mum because I know she will not tolerate this behavior and she's going to be very disappointed. You're old enough to have some conscious of your own." He explained. "Now excuse me while I go and post your bail." He said and excused himself.
"We'll leave you two alone." Jackie said and Adam nodded his head, follow my after his father leaving Zayn and I alone, even though not entirely.
"Go." Zayn said catching me by surprise.
"What?" I whispered my voice slightly shaking.
"I said go, I don't what you here." He said.
"But I-...I." I stumbled on my words.
"Now you worry about me?" He questioned. "Precisely when I'm behind some metal bars? Did you care about me then when Lucy basically took advantage of me that night? Yeah I woke up next to her but I have no fucking idea what happened." Zayn said angrily. "Did you care then? Bother to ask if I was ok? Mentally? Emotionally maybe?" He continued. "I didn't sleep with her willingly, yeah I fucked up, for not telling you that she and I had past before, but I would never, ever do that to you." He said. "Instead you stormed off angrily, you didn't even give me a fucking chance to explain to you anything that's ever happened between her and I, we have been done for a long time-...you know what? I'm wasting my fucking breath, because you won't believe me regardless."
"Zayn please-..." I cried.
"Selena I love you but I cannot keep doing this." Zayn said. "For my own well being...I've been through this and I nearly drove myself fucking insane, for it." He explained. "If you don't want any part of me, then fine." He said. "We're done. It's done."
"No, no, no." I gripped the metal bars title and fall to the ground. "Please don't do this, ok? I'll-...I-..." I began, with tears pouring down my cheeks.
"Don't fucking do this." He said. "Get up and go." He said.
"Zayn." I swallowed the lump of tears in my throat.
"Go!" He shouted and I said nothing, I slowly stood up and walked myself out of the room, pushing past his father and the security guard, Adam and Jackie luckily for me weren't around to see me dismantle in a crying mess.
Jackie's Point of View

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