7 ; Revised

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Stars Dance
Chapter 7
Selena's Point of View

IT HAD ONLY been few days and Zayn had already the deepest most intimate parts of me. This was no longer about the project we had to do. It would be crazy to say that my body didn't react to Zayn's because it did. Every time Zayn even near me my body heat just rose a few degrees, electricity ran though my veins when Zayn touched me, even the smallest subtle touches, my body just craved it. However, I couldn't let things go too far. I didn't know him well, and everything was that was said about him even though denied it many times just confused me. He was confusing, I couldn't read him it was nearly impossible. He would lash out then the next he would be apologizing. I couldn't keep up with him. Everything was in the heat of the moment, and if I said yes, I would be committing myself to something that I didn't know if I wanted to be committed to with him especially.
His lips trailed down my neck as his fingertips caressed my skin, I squirmed and he noticed it as well and stopped. "What do you say?" He whispered pushing my hair away from my face.
I knew it wasn't love that he was feeling, anytime I glanced at Zayn there was always a slight darkness in his hazel eyes. He looked at me sometimes with such intensity that I wasn't sure he was even paying any attention to what I was saying most of the time. Lust and desire filled his eyes and it was obvious, I don't even think Zayn Malik could ever feel love. It wasn't in his nature. It only further reconfirmed it when I had told him I was virgin his words just replayed in my head over and over.
"I only think about being in between your legs ever since you told me."  He admitted. "You drive me absolutely insane, and the fact that no one's touched you..." 
I cleared my throat and stood up from his lap where he was sitting in the chair. "Zayn I think we're both, confused?" I just let out. "You're confusing everything-...this isn't about the project-"
When I wanted to continue on, Zayn interrupted me. "Would you forget about the fucking project for just a second?" He exclaimed.
I crossed my hand over my chest. "You want an honest answer?" I said. "Alright, the answer is no." I said carelessly, lifting my shoulders as well.
His eyebrows just came together. "What?" And standing up from the chair.
"I don't know what you think this is." I told him with hand motions. "No, the answer is no." I repeated. "I know you probably don't do well with rejection and you're used to easy yeses, but I'm not like those girls Zayn." I told him.
He chuckles. "You say it so easily, and can't even give me a fucking reason."
"You want one thing." I raise my index finger in the air. "One, and you can sit here and say no you don't think about it and no it doesn't bother you, but I know it does. I can see it in your eyes and the way you look at me with such hunger, there's nothing you can say to deny it because you can see it in your eyes." I saw picking up my bookbag and putting my things in it and walking towards the door.
"Where are you going?" He follows after me.
"To my dorm, where else." I storm down the hallway.
"Selena-..." He calls after me and pulls on my arm, when we are interrupted my his group of friends I met the first night of the New Year party.
I stop my tracks and I feel Zayn's torso against my back, with his hand wrapped around my arm holding me in place from going anywhere. "Well what do you have here?" One of them says with a smirk looking Zayn then down at me.
I give a small smile, and I loosen myself from Zayn's grasp walking past his group of friends and out of the double doors of the frat.


Zayn's Point of View

I knew from the moment Chris caught me with Selena I wouldn't hear the end of it. Chris didn't run shit around here I did, but even then when he found out about something he didn't stop until he was satisfied. I knew what was going to come next, he was going to remind me about what I had told him the day about the New Year's party when we both spotted Selena.
Chris nudged me. "Check it out." He said, and his attention was also on the group of girls that I already had my attention on.
"I see." I added. "But don't even think about it." I strained. "They're freshmen."
"The shy one next to Lucy seems scared shitless to be here." Chris added. "We should welcome them. Nothing wrong with that? Right?" He stood up.
"You know the fucking rules." I added.
"Rules are meant to be broken."  He said and I rolled my eyes, standing up to follow him.
I brought myself back to reality when Chris was still standing in front of me along with Levi and Jake. He had a smirk on his face and his eyes trailed down Selena's as she walked out of the doors of the frat and then brought them back to me. I step forward. "I know what you're fucking thinking, remember I run you, you don't run me." I exclaimed before he said anything. "Remember that." I added.
He chuckled. "I haven't even said a word." He says. "But rules are meant to be broken. Right?" He laughed. Chris wasn't me and if he found out that Selena was a virgin he would take advantage of the opportunity anyway he could. "Levi, Jake and I were just heading towards your dorm to tell you that there's a party and if you were coming." He raised his hands in defeat. "Isn't that right boys?" He called on Levi and Jake's responses, and they nodded their heads.
"I'll be there." I said and pushed passed them and walked of the damn frat house, just thinking back on Selena's words.

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