68 ; Revised

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Stars Dance
Chapter 68
Selena's Point of View

THE NIGHT HAS fallen upon us, and before I knew it we were in Bradford, my eyes went everywhere as Levi drove by to reach out final destination. He was right he knew his hometown, an average sized city not to grandest like London. We drove slowly into the city as cars drove by us, back bas forth, and the lamp posts of the town lit up around the sidewalks where people walked back and forth passing one another in this city and it's nightlife.
"You sure it's going to be ok with your mom if I stay at your house?" I was on edge after Levi said that I was welcomed in his home to stay for the night.
"Of course! There's no way I'm letting you stay in a motel." He said.
I smiled and didn't say anything else as Levi turned the corner on a street and we were on a single road in a wooded area, in the distance as we drove up the paved road what looked more like a drive way now, appeared a home, not even a home, my eyes widen when we got closer and the lights in the roundabout illuminated the mansion Levi practically lived in.
The car came to a stop as I looked around while he got out. The mansion was big each window had a light that at least illuminated a room, a place like this could house up to twenty people give or take. I noticed Levi was out of the car and in the back trunk getting out bags. I hurried out and met him there to grab mine.
"Your home is so-...." I said lost for words pushing strands of my hair behind my ear as they blew in the crisp wind of the night.
"Big?" He laughed. "Don't go changing up on me now." He joked.
"No of course not!" I laughed.
He smiled and closed the trunk, walking up the massive concrete steps designed and carved out in Roman architecture. Levi and I were at the top of the stairs in front of a large door. I clicked the button on the side and a loud doorbell doing was heard, we stood there as we waited for someone to open up. Of course I was more nervous that he was.
I could tell that Levi was a simple guy, he didn't care for looks or riches. Was never one to show off and carried an ego around the size of Texas. None of this mattered to him, I would have never guessed Levi was a guy with money and comfort because in the time I had known him, he never presented himself in such a way.
The door has opened and it was an older woman in a white blouse with black pencil skirt and a perfectly shaped bun on top of her head. Her eyes lit up when she spotted Levi at the front door.
"Levi!" She exclaimed. "Oh how good it is to see you my child!" Stepping to the side and leaving him room to walk inside, he motions his head in my direction moving it slightly and follow him inside.
I assumed this was his mother by the way she was excited to see him and quickly embraced him as he dropped his duffle bag on the ground to embrace her back. "How are you?" My eyes widen, I guess it wasn't his mom. "Marlene look, I would like you to meet a good friend of mine, Selena." He turned his attention to me.
"Hello ma'am nice to meet you." I smiled.
"Selena this my Marlene, she's a housekeeper has worked for this house for as long as I can remember. A family member more I would say." Levi introduces the woman who's fond of him. "Practically raised me." He said proudly.
"Hello Ms. Selena, it is nice to meet you." She smiled. "Any friend my boy here is very much welcomed." She smiled and I nodded my head. "You two must be exhausted from the car ride here, let me get you both situated and comfortable." She said. "Elle!" She exclaimed.
In came running in a younger girl in a pony tail with blue maids outside with a white kitchen apron tied at her waist. She didn't say anything and nodded her head to Levi and I's presence as she waited for further instructions. "Please take Mr. Roberts and Ms. Selena's bags to their appropriate rooms." She said, the girl quickly nodded her head and gave me a smile taking my bag from my grasp and as well as Levi's duffle bag.
"Thank you Elle." Levi said the younger girl in a smile.
"Yeah thanks." I added as well, before she disappeared where she had come from.
"Are you two hungry? We can have something cooked up for the both of you." The woman I have come to know as Marlene says.
"Not really, we stopped to get something to eat a few kilometers back, unless Selena you're hungry, she can have someone in the kitchen cook something up for you?" Levi suggested.
"No thank you, at this point I would just like to get a good nights rest. The trip here was not long but tiring." I admit.
"Couldn't agree more!" He admitted and I smiled. "But first where is my mother?" He questioned.
"Your mother was in her office study, finishing up some calls from earlier this afternoon, I think she's-..." The woman Marlene began to explain, looking behind her then turning her attention to Levi.
"Leviston!" I suddenly heard out of nowhere.
It was woman who appeared from where the young girl Elle had disappeared to, in a house this huge anyone could get lost. She was tall and walked with character, and confidence. She had a ten complexion like Levi, and her jet black hair flowed down her her shoulders, in a one piece jumpsuit with a golden Chanel clip in the middle of her whole white outfit bringing it together.
"Mother." He says as he side eyed me while he hugged her, I admitted I did want to laugh.
"What a surprise it is to have you here, you didn't tell me you were coming home this weekend." She smiles at her son.
"I wanted to surprise you." He smiled.
She gasped. "And you brought a girlfriend along?" She nudged her son."
"Oh no, no, mum, I'd like to introduce you to a friend." Levi motioned. "Selena."
I smiled. "Nice to meet you ma'am."
"It's nice to meet you as well Selena." She smiled. "Honestly I kind of hoped you were a girlfriend, I have begged Leviston here for years." She rolls her eyes.
"Mum." Levi whined nearly embarrassed pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Very well then." She smiled. "Any friend of my son is a friend of mine." His mother said. "Which is why I'd like to invite you to this small birthday dinner I'm throwing myself tomorrow night." She said carelessly rolling her eyes in the process and waving her hand in the air.
"Thank you ma'am, I'll make sure to take you up on that." I smile.
"Hope to see you tomorrow night then, well baby" She turned her attention towards Levi. "I've got a busy morning tomorrow, make yourself at home Selena." She said. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight." I smiled she smiled back and disappeared down the corridor.
"Well my children" Marlene appeared once again. "Both of your rooms have been situated, let's get you both on up there." She said guiding the way around the house towards our bedrooms for the night as Levi and I followed behind her.
"Leviston?" I mentioned.
He sighed in embarrassment. "I don't know what my mother was thinking" he laughed. "This is why it's Levi to everyone else." He admits. "I never use my actual name it's embarrassing."
"I couldn't believe it when she said it." I admit."I thought she named you Levi after the shoe." I teased.
Levi clicks his teeth. "My mother was this close to making me Leviathan, practically making me the anti-christ." He joke and I laughed. "Leviston to Leviathan zero to one hundred really fucking quick."
"Stop." I playfully smack him on his arm.
"It's true." He defend and I laugh.
I had been so distracted by our conversation. That by the time I knew it Levi and I were on the second floor of the home and in a corridor of rooms. "Well here you are." Marlene announced. "I'll leave you both to it, if you need anything just call." She smiled.
"Thank you Marlene." Levi said. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight." She says and disappears down the stairs.
"Well, my room is right here" Levi motioned to the door behind him. "Have a goodnight Selena, because tomorrow" He says taking his hands and resting them on my shoulders. "You and I are going to go and find Zayn and fix this once and for all."
I sigh. "Hopefully this all works out."
"It will trust me." He squeezes my shoulders lightly.
"Ok, Leviston Roberts." I tease rolling my eyes in the process and he laughs.
Jackie Point of View

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