58 ; Revised

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Stars Dance
Chapter 58
Selena's Point of View

IT WAS FRIDAY night a few days since Zayn's confrontation with Chris while Adam and I were present. I would go to my classes and come back for the dorm while Jackie was out practically all day on Thursday. I thought he would at least try to use that tome to his advantage and talk to me, but he was a no show, since the day he was just rambling on about his true feelings about me. I would be lying if I said his words didn't cut me like a knife that day. The desperation in his voice to tell me how he truly felt throughout our whole entire relationship, was too much for me to handle.
Even if the days go by, It felt like weeks without seeing him. Even if didn't want him to approach me I still wanted him near me. I wanted him to look out for me, like he always did. It has seemed like he stopped trying, and that left me uneasy. My mind played tricks on me wondering if maybe after that day I found him and Lucy together he has given her a second chance? The way they were always meant to be together. That made me question if Zayn ever even loved me.
Maybe I was just over thinking this and he was just giving me the space I needed to organize my thoughts. Figure out what I wanted. Could he have been considerate of my feelings? Or maybe Jackie kept him updated about me secretly and that was enough for him to stay put? It was insane how much I thought about him, he was ingrained in my body and soul the way he said he would be. I caught myself just dreaming about him sometimes and just clouding my thoughts.
That day in literature as much as I tried to concentrate to what the professor was saying, I couldn't, not with him there looking at me every now and then. I could feel his eyes on me, knowing the way he thinks I know they weren't pure ones. I crossed my leg over the other just thinking about it that day, and I was sure he knew it too. Maybe Jackie was right and Lucy was as evil as she said she was, and Zayn was just another once of her victims. Maybe he was innocent and he truly didn't know what was going on that morning or she even got in bed with him. What I did know was, I didn't know what to believe, I was confused. My thoughts were jumbled but clouded by him, while my feelings were mixed not knowing which emotion to actually feel.
I promised myself that I would stay away from Chris like Zayn wanted me too, Adam was there in agreement to it. I didn't want Zayn and Chris to end up killing each other over me, and worse with Zayn ending up in some sort of jail cell. In that case, I wouldn't know how his father was going to pull him out of that one. God forbid that happened, cause if you pissed him off enough, Zayn would not hesitate. He just beat Adam up a bit when he found out about Jackie I could not imagine, what he would do to Chris.
"Selena are you listening to me?" Jackie called for my attention as she rampaged through he closet trying to find the perfect club dress.
Jackie convinced Adam and insisted to me that the three of us should go out for a night of dancing. I was hesitant at first, because I wasn't really in the mood for partying. Like at all. "Huh?" I said looking up at her.
"I asked you what dress you were wearing tonight?" She questioned me.
I gave her a smile. "I don't know." I lifted my shoulders as I stood up and walked over to my closet, looking though countless of dresses that I owned. "None of these really scream, club life." I chuckled.
She frowned and clicked her tongue, walking over to my side of the closet, and pulling hanger after hanger. "You're right..." She said not trying to offend me, and truly I wasn't. "I can let you borrow one of mine." She smiles walking over to her side of the closet.
I smiled. "Thanks Jackie but I-..."
"Don't you dare fucking say you don't want to go, because you promised." She holds me accountable with her finger pointed at me.
"I know but I-...it's going to be weird you're dating Adam and I'm just tugging along as a third wheel." I admitted.
"None fucking sense!" She brushed my statement off. "I hate the type of people that just leave you hanging to go have fun with others." She says. "I'm not one of those people." She says with a hand over her chest. I smile. "Also, have you thought about saying yes to the internship offer?" She questions.
"I haven't actually, I don't know if I should." I admitted.
"Please think about it." She says. "We could be co-workers!" Jackie eyes widen with excitement. "It would be so fucking fun." She says.
"Yeah you're right." I smile. "I'll think about it."
By the time Jackie and I finished getting dressed up, I was standing in pumps and a skin tight dress. She had given me a smokey eye look with silver around my eyes. My hair was styled a certain way. While I felt like I would fall at any given moment with Jackie's heels, I had managed, them and we were out the door. Jackie and I quickly hurried down the stairs of the dormitories, where Adam was waiting for us outside by leaning by his car.
Jackie noticed him and she hurried her way over to him embracing him in a hug and pressing her lips against his. He smiles while she wrapped her arms around his neck, and he held onto her waist. Jackie laughed, and she turned back to look at me.
"She almost didn't want to come, I had to drag her out." She say pulling on my arm.
"Oh come Selena, tonight will be fun. I'm sure of it." Adam smiles when he sees me. "Club aren't my thing really, I rather just enjoy a day at home with a glass of wine or something." He says.
"Now that, sounds like my kind of night." I point at him.
"However Jackie insisted so, whatever she wishes is my command." He says taking his hand in hers.
"Ok now, lets go!" Jackie says, and we get into Adam's car and we're off for a night of fun.
The three of us walked into the club and it was a spacious but dark atmosphere with loud music, smoke machines for effect and laser lights beaming everywhere. I already couldn't hear my thoughts in my head. I knew if I was going to survive the night I was going to have to get drunk so this night could go smoothly. Jackie took me by my hand, and she took Adam's leading me down towards a seating area.
Once we sat down, Adam went to go get us drinks and I just squirmed in the sofa while Jackie moved her body slightly to the beat of the music. Adam came back with drinks in his hand, and he handed one to Jackie and the other one to me. Jackie wasted no time in gulping down the liquid, while I smelled it knowing I wouldn't like the taste.
"Come on Selena!" She encouraged me. "Let's just have fun tonight ok?" She said above the loud music.
I nodded my head at her in agreement, deciding to give in. I looked at the glass in my hand, realizing that it was the only way to forget about him. I chugged the glass as the liquid went down my throat, while Jackie cheered for me.
She pulled on my arm into the crowd of dancing bodies encouraging me to move to the beat of the music. I laughed as Jackie pulled my body against hers, and we dancing dangerously close due to the many people, around us, wanting to dance as well.
This night was going to be fun, I was going to make it fun.
Zayn's Point of View

 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘋𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦  «Zaylena»जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें