54 ; Revised

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Stars Dance
Chapter 54
Selena's Point of View

AFTER THE CONFRONTATION with Lucy, Adam and I went back to sit in the study hall, I felt embarrassed for the words said between Lucy and and I. It was awkward sitting down with Adam and not being able to looking at him after that. Now he knew everything and this wasn't the way I wanted to tell him. He probably thought of me different now, maybe he thought I was stupid like everyone else did, for being with Zayn. Worst, he probably thinks I'm a fucking idiot for loving Zayn the way I do, and for professing that to him just minutes ago at the dine in.
"Sorry you had to witness that." I say awkwardly. "You probably think I'm such an idiot now-..." I gestured with my hands, pushing my strands of loose hair behind my ears.
He nods his head and gives me a small comforting smile. "No, not at all." He confessed. "I didn't even think you were planning on telling me." He said. "I respect your decision, even if you didn't anyway."
"Thank you so much." I smile. "Well now you know everything I guess." I lifted my shoulders carelessly. I took a deep breath and let go. "Now you know she's the girl Zayn's been lying to be about."
"Wasn't she like your best friend or something?" He questioned.
I nodded my head. "Was." I recalled. "But she's also Zayn's first ever girlfriend, who he failed to mention."
"And he cheated on you with her?" He questions trying to understand the whole story. I nod my head, covering my face with my hands in embarrassment that my life has come to this. "Selena I'm so sorry." He said, bringing me in and comforting me in his arms, rubbing circles in my back.
"The worst part is, that everyone around me knew and no one told me anything." I whisper. "I'm pretty sure Levi and Jackie knew as well, but for Zayn they'd both take his secret to their graves." I lift my shoulders. "It's pointless to confront them now, because what's done is done." I lift my shoulders carelessly.
"Selena you are not alone." He says to me. "Don't think for a second you're in this alone, because you're not, you can confide in me." He moves his head side to side.
"Thank you." I smile wiping my tears. "I feel like I've said thank you to you more times that I can count." I let out a light laugh.
He smiles. "It's alright."
"You've been too good of a person to me than I deserve." I admit to him. "Your mom and dad should be proud of the son they have." I smile.
"My mom of course she'll use any opportunity to show me off, it's embarrassing sometimes." He laughs. "My dad, he's someone I looked up to for a very long time, he's a great man, successful and raised me well." He lifts his shoulders.
"How come I never met you dad?" I question him.
"He's always busy, he comes by the campus, but rarely." He smiles. "I try to spend time with him when he does."
"And you said your father is English?" I question.
"Yeah." He smiles. "He travels a lot for business and my mom would tag along sometimes but she was growing tried of the restlessness of traveling and not being able to settle down in one place, so when my dad finally agreed to settle, I was born, my mom had me in the states." He explains. "I guess his accent never really rubbed off on me." He chuckles.
"Your life seems crazier than mine." I joke.
"I rarely saw him sometimes though..." He admits the downside of it. "My mom insisted to my dad that it would be better if I was sent to some private boarding school." He admits. "When he was around, he would make up for lost time, in the summers." He smiled, recalling recollections of his childhood. "I can't really resent him for it either, it's not something I could have controlled anyway." He lifts his shoulders.
"Wow my life is nothing compared to yours." I moved my head side to side. "All I have to say to that is my parents split up moved to different sides of the country and my mom remarried and had my little sister, while I would visit my dad in the summers." I said.
He chuckles. "Don't say that, everyone lives life a little different and that's ok." He smiles.
"So you don't have any siblings?" I questioned out of curiosity.
"No." He moved his head side to side. "An only child in fact, it would have been nice to have an older brother, maybe a younger sister?" He admits. "It can get boring sometimes." He chuckles. "But I guess now, sometimes I think I was a surprise to both of my parents and they didn't really plan on having me." He lifts his shoulders.
I frown. "Don't say that...why do you I say that?"
"Because I saw my mom way more than I saw my dad growing up, even if I was at in boarding school, he never visited me willingly, and when he did finally see me, it was always around the summers." He reminds me. "It's been like that probably since I was born, and I just think now, he's making up for lost time." He admits his feelings.
"Have you ever talked to him about it?" I question.
He nods his head side to side. "No, and not because I'm afraid to, more like things are good now, and now that I'm older, I understand why" He admits. "His work life has always been set up this way and he's been a great dad at trying to make up for lost time." He smiles.
"Well as long as you and your father are in a good place, that's all that matters." I assure him.
Suddenly a loud bang of a door echos throughout the study hall, causing everyone who's inside to look at each other weirdly but not paying much attention to it and putting their earphones back in. While my eyes widen and realizing that it was Zayn. His looked angry and he was charging his way towards Adam and I.
It had been five days with no sign of him and this is the way he chooses to present himself in so long. I would be lying if I said I wasn't glad to see him, but not in this way. I realized how close Adam and I were sitting next to each other and Zayn took note of it as well, I pulled away from Adam, as he and I stood up, and Zayn was made up a mad man who's only attention was on Adam. This was not ending up well.
I frowned at the situation that unfolded in front of my very own eyes. He grabbed Adam by a fistful of his shirt and stood face to face with him, not bothering if he caused a whole scene or not. "What the hell is your problem?" Adam exclaimed loosening himself from his grip.
"You fucking-..." Zayn said nothing more and punched Adam across the face.
I gasped at the sequence of events caused by his actions. Adam touched his lip making sure he wasn't bleeding, and clenched his jaw, while he angrily stared down Zayn. "What is wrong with you?" I exclaimed, reaching to Adam's aid making sure he's ok. "Adam are you alright?" I questioned.
I didn't expect Adam to retaliate because unlike Zayn, Adam the patience and he would not react to something didn't take importance to him. He wasn't a fighter. "If this is about Selena-..." Adam said angrily.
"No, this isn't about her!" Zayn exclaimed. "You know exactly who this is about!" He argued. Adam eyes him weirdly. "You suck fuck...she was drunk and you took advantage of that!" He exclaimed. "Taking her home with you? While she was in that state of mind?" He exclaimed.
What? I questioned myself. What was he even talking about? I had never seen Zayn this angry. "I'm not you Zayn." Adam moves his head side to side. "I don't go around life parading like the world revolves around me, and hurting people I supposedly love." He said and I knew that struck a nerve with Zayn.
He focused his attention on me for a slight second. "You wasted zero time in running into the arms of this fucking idiot and tell him everything that happened between us!" He exclaimed at me.
Just when I was about to say something, Adam interrupted. "She didn't have to." He stood his ground. "But it was pretty obvious that sooner or later you were going to fuck up." My eyes widen that was the first time I had ever heard Adam out of his element.
Zayn took a deep breath trying to remain calm, brushing over the statement made against him. "Stay the fuck away from Jackie, do you understand me?" Zayn warned. "All this" He trails his eyes over Adam's frame. "you present yourself to be, the sweaters, the stupid satchel even, is all a fucking lie." Zayn laughs. "How fucking disgusting can you be to take a clearly drunken girl back to your house?"
However his statement only angered Adam. "You're fucking out of it, if you think I would do such a thing like that to Jaqueline!" Adam exclaimed angrily.
"No I'm not out of it." Zayn defended. "If I find out your touched even a piece of hair on her head, I will fucking kill you." Zayn threatened in his face.
"Is that a threat?" Adam stood his ground as well.
"It's promise." Zayn smirked.
Everything happened so suddenly, within a blink of an eye, Zayn and Adam where both down on the ground throwing punches at one another. While I stood there in panic not knowing what to say or do, a crowd had gathered. Zayn got on top of Adam and punched him repeatedly as Adam didn't stay far behind. A busted lip and eyebrow were vivible on the both of them.
"Stop it!" I exclaimed pushing my hair behind behind my ears, as I leaned down to try and do something. "Zayn stop it you're hurting him!" I screamed.
I spotted Chris and his friend Jake in the crowd in watching it all unfold with widen eyes and smirks. Whispering to each other. I quickly made my way over to him. "Chris please do something!" I exclaimed.
But Chris only chuckled and crossed his hands over his chest. "No way." He said watching Adam punch Zayn over and over. "He's finally getting what he deserves." He laughed nudging his friend and the laughed together. "I don't think this daddy can save him from this one." He clicked his tongue.
I frowned at his words, and realized this was all a mess. They were going to kill each other and no one was willing to help pull them apart.
I noticed Levi pushing through the crowd as he dropped his back pack and hurried and pulled Zayn away from Adam. "Alright Zayn, calm down, seriously calm down!" Levi urged.
Adam was all beat up, and stood up from the ground, touching on his busted lip as he breathed heavily. "Stay away from her, Jackie is not alone in this world, she has me and I'm not going to let some fucking idiot like you take advantage of her vulnerability!" Zayn exclaimed as Levi held him back.
Adam took a deep breath and sighed. "Nothing happened, I wouldn't do that to her, because I love her!" Adam exclaimed with is hands raised up in defeat. "I didn't want it to come to his, but I'm not going to let you drag my name through filth because you don't like me! So there it is, I am in love with her, the last thing I would do is some sick shit like that!" Adam explained.
"What-..." Zayn frowned.
Before Zayn could say anything else, campus security came, and took both Adam and Zayn in. I knew exactly where they were headed and they were going to meet with the Chancellor. Possibly up for suspension.
The crowd unfolded and there Levi and I stood, "I ran after him as fast as I could, but before I could finish my sentence, he was already out of the door." He said trying to catch I his breath.
"Adam is in love with Jackie?" I questioned.
"Believe me I was in shock too, but slowly caught on when I noticed how he would look at her every time she was around." Levi explained.
"Does she like him back?" I questioned.
"She says she doesn't, but I've known Jaqueline for years now." He rolled his eyes.
It only took seconds for everything to unfold the way it did so I was taking everything that had happened and said one step at a time. Adam has told me he liked someone, but I would have never imagined it was Jackie. They were complete polar opposites and I just never imagined, Adam and Jackie...but then again no one even pictured Zayn and I together.
Zayn's Point of View

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