27 ; Revised

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Stars Dance
Chapter 27
Selena's Point of View

ZAYN AND I were back at the campus, and saw all the games and rides that had been set up around the courtyard and those that were still being set up by the people who brought the rides here in the first place. Zayn and I began walking towards the courtyard as Levi was walking around giving people directions and telling them what went where. He spotted us and a smile appeared on his face, and walked towards us. "Hey guys you made it!" He said with a smile.
His sun glasses stay at the tip of his nose before he puts them up on his head pushing his hair back away from his face. "We did, as promised." I smiled and Zayn nodded his head in agreement.
"Well come on, we have lots to do and I'll show you want you can each do to get this done faster for tomorrow." He smiled and we followed him. "But first." He stopped on his feet. "I need you to promise me that you'll be on your best behavior." He said, and I was confused at his words.
"Me?" I pointed at my chest.
"Zayn, I need you to promise me." He directed his glance at Zayn.
"It depends." Zayn joked.
"No I am being serious, like dead ass serious." Levi warned raising his hands in defeat. "I had zero clue ok? None, and he takes arts as an elective and volunteered, and quite frankly he seemed like a pretty chill dude."
"What are you talking about?" Zayn questioned.
"Zayn promise me?" He repeated.
"Ok mate I promise." Zayn said and Levi said nothing else. "But what could be-..."Instead he guided us further towards the courtyard, I looked around to see who Levi had recruited for help, it couldn't just been us, although he seemed very worried that he made Zayn promise him three hundred times, exaggerated I know. Zayn and I stopped on our feet when we saw, Jackie working on decorating on the kissing booth, she spotted Zayn and I but didn't say anything and continued working on decoration, and on the other end was Adam who helping putting up penndants. "You have to be fucking kidding me?" Zayn harshly whispered to Levi.
"Hey, you promised." He pointed his finger at Zayn. "Hey, hey I didn't know you two had beef and I've been asking for volunteers this whole week and last week, this was already preplanned Zayn." Levi explained.
"We're leaving." Zayn pulled my arm.
"No, we're not." I stood in place. "We came here to help Levi and that's exactly what we're going to do." I glanced at Zayn. "Our problems don't need to become other people's problems." I told him.
Zayn gave Levi a forced smile. "Oh Levi, Levi." He sighed growing annoyed.
"Anyway." I scolded Zayn, what do you need help with?" I questioned.
"Can you arrange the fish bowls, on the table there and fill them with water?" He said pointing at the booth in the middle.
"Sure." I gave Levi a smile and walked off.
Zayn's Point of View

As much as I wanted to hate Levi for this, I couldn't. He was clueless and overall he didn't know. I didn't tell him my problems because I know rarely slept at the dorm so how could I possibly? Adam on the other hand, that dude was in every fucking thing around here. Over achiever if you ask me. When Levi ok'ed Selena she walked off towards the booth to do what he had asked and I followed after her. However, Levi stopped me having other plans for me.
"Not so fast." He said with his hand on my shoulder. "I said Selena only." He smiled. "Why don't you go and help Jackie with the kissing booth." He said pointed.
"Why are you doing this?" I questioned him.
"I don't know what happened between you and Jackie but you're going to make up right now if it's the last thing I do." Levi insisted, even though in my mind I had already made up my mind about forgiving her, except on my own time.
I looked past Levi towards Jackie who was trying her best to hang up the lights around the kissing booth. "You're having her work the kissing booth?" I question.
He turned around to look at Jackie then turned his attention towards me. "She volunteered." He lifted his shoulders. I sighed. "Now go on." He pushed me towards her direction.
Jackie's Point of View

 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘋𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦  «Zaylena»Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora