Chapter 37

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Jason POV

The science student; my class, to be precise is gather together in the chemistry lab. Mr Ejiro, the chemistry teacher is facing the marker board writing some questions. There are murmurs in the laboratory and the man abruptly turn around and the class suddenly went quiet.

I chuckles lightly. I love when teachers could control respect in their classroom.

He turn back to the board after staring at the pupils in front of him for a moment.

When he was done with the questions and formulas written on the board, he took a book from his desk and hold it up.

"In here I have fourteen groups that will be performing a group practical. You will perform the experiment written on the board and then answer the questions. And I will also give each group a personal project." He said.

He pause and wait for reaction. Some group of boys murmured at my back. I can see the frown on some of the girls faces.

" I will call the names of the group now. " He said.

" Group one Ivy, Efosa, Daniel and Memunat. Group two Tejiri, prince, Peter and Francisca. Group three." He look up to see everyone still on their seats. "Go and seat with your group member. The first person I call in the group is your leader." Those who were called reluctantly stood up to meet their group member and the man continue with the names he was calling.

"..... Group Thirteen Laila, Mathias Jason and Mary."

Mary quickly stood up cutting the man short.

" I'm not going to be in the same group as Jason. I'm sorry but you've got to change it." Mary said with a glare.

"And if I don't."

"You have to." She said harshly then she sigh before saying calmly. "I'm sorry but please you have to."

The man stare at her for quite some time then exhale.

He knew he will have to face query which they are all afraid of when it comes to some naughty kids.

"Okay. Who is going to exchange with Mary?" He asked. The class fell silent.

I don't actually care who join my group at least I'm glad that I am in the same group as Laila. This man don't know how grateful I am.

"I will." Someone said with a tiny voice. I turn just as everyone turn to look at where the sound came from. Isabella happens to be the one who agrees to join in my group. She is Laila friend so maybe that is why she agree to join our group.

Well I think she is preferable than the proud bitch Mary.

"Okay. What group are you in?" Mr Ejiro asked.

"Group Nine." She answered.

"Mary take her place in group nine."

"That's better." Mary said to herself and she move over to group nine table while Isabella move to our table. She smile at Mathias and took a seat beside him. He wink at her.

"Can I continue now?" He asked sarcastically.

And few of the boys yelled "Yes."

"Miscreants." He said and he called the last group and then repetite what he had said before about the project and the experiment.


Laila POV

"..... And that is what we are going to do. So let meet after school here. Mr Ejiro had assure us that the lab technician will wait behind to keep the lab open for us." I said to the group.

I can feel Jason eyes boring hole into me. I am just trying to look so confident because my group member are my friends except him of course. And they won't care if I stutter or make mistake. I also don't want him to think he is affecting me.

Well I'm also telling myself that. But I know it's a lie.

"Okay." Mathias and Isabella replied.
But Jason stay quiet.

"See you after class." Isabella said picking up her bag. Mathias did the same and we left the class.

I went to the Art class- SS 3 Gold to join them for economics class since I choose economics instead of Agricultural Science.

Jason POV

I step into the mathematics club room. It's the first time I am coming here. I am quite good at mathematics but it doesn't make me join the mathematics club or come anywhere they gather.

Mathias is sitting at the far end of the room with three female students. I knew he will be in here and I was right.

He is fans of the females when it comes to mathematics.

A guy and two female sit quietly at another end.

There all look up when I walk into the room. I can see the familiar fear and glare from the students.

Except Mathias of course. He is just surprise.

They stood up to leave but Mathias quickly said.

"You can continue with whatever you're doing. You don't have to leave. They seem surprised hearing him say that. They look between one another.

They look unsure but Mathias gave them what he thinks is  a reassuring smile and a nod.

The boy at the other end look from me to Mathias and he gave him a curt nod. They reluctantly sat down and half mindedly went back to what they were doing before i came in.

Mathias whisper something to the girls he was teaching and he excuse himself from their midst.

"Hey, what a surprise. I've never seen you anywhere near this block." He said when he get to where I am standing.

"I don't have any reasons to be here." I answered.

He nodded in agreement.

We both leave the class and we took a seat on a metal bench along the corridor.

"I need to ask something from you." I said looking at empty space. I still find it hard to believe I could sit with Mathias to talk neither asking him for a favour. He is the least person I ever thought I will be needing his help or been comfortable with to ask for this favour.

I guess Laila was right when she said No man is an island. I will need help from someone someday.

And it's him, not any of my friends. At the moment actually.

"Go ahead." He said sincerely.

Author Note :

 𝙁𝘼𝘾𝘼𝘿𝙀 (𝐚 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲) Where stories live. Discover now