¦Chapter 10¦

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~ Laila ~

Both I and Florence just finished having our lunch in the cafeteria and were heading out of the building when an unexpected scene occurred.

I just finished my lunch with Florence. After much insistence, she had brought lunch for me. She had been doing that for a while because I always refused to go to the cafeteria with her since I couldn't afford the food that was sold there. And I sometimes brought food to school which I preferred eating in the class rather than the cafeteria where my schoolmates are buying and eating different expensive assortment of food.

And I knew my boundaries. I hated crossing that line. So anytime Florence was in school, she would insist that I go with her to the cafeteria and she buy me food or fruits and drinks when I came with my own lunch.

It had been that way with us. She was so friendly and selfless. I really love the girl so much. I had other friends before her, but she was different. Everything about her was different.

After lunch and while on our way out of the cafeteria, I listened to Florence's narration on the model that she met face-to-face in her last audition. It was a supermodel and one that she admired. I listened with keen interest as she narrated her experience with the supermodel. Without knowing it, I bumped into someone and my eyes grew wide open to see Sandra on the floor with coke sprayed all over her face and chest.

A surprised expression masked my face at the scene and also from the fact that I had caused that.

Oh my God!

I couldn't believe the trouble that I had gotten myself into.

You will understand what I mean as the story unfolds.

Before I could open my mouth to say anything, an ear-piercing scream resonated through the long cafeteria. And it was from no other person than Sandra, the girl that I had bumped into, who was sitting on the floor with coke stained shirt.

She screamed again and she tried touching the stain on her clothes, but it didn't. She was acting like the stain was a dog poop that was so disgusting to touch. She was obviously over-exaggerating the whole thing.

But it was expected.

This was Sandra.

The queen of the drama queen.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! My uniform!" She spoke almost in tears, fanning herself dramatically.

I almost covered my face in embarrassment. The whole school was now staring at us. They had stopped eating and talking or doing whatever they were doing before now and their attention was now on us.

And with the expressions on each of their faces, I was the villain in the story. I had caused this distress to one of their beauty queens.

"Bitch, what did you do to Sandra?" One student yelled from God-know-where.

"Is she blind or what?" another asked.

"Poor and blind. A horrible combination," a thrift person sneered, followed by a loud hiss.

One of Sandra's friends came forward and she pushed me on the chest. It made me veer backward. I hadn't expected it, and fortunately for my stamina, I would have landed on my butt on the floor.

"See what you've done to her. Are you blind or something?" she yelped.

Forcefully, I said. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

"You didn't mean to. You're so dumb!" She jabbed her finger on my chest repeatedly as she said the words.

As she attempted to do it again, someone held her hands and I trailed my eyes from the hand up to the owner of it and it was Florence. She was glaring at the girl. Before the girl could utter a word, she pushed her away roughly and she yelped.

 𝙁𝘼𝘾𝘼𝘿𝙀 (𝐚 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲) Where stories live. Discover now