¦Chapter 12¦

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~ Laila ~

The first term ended successfully despite all the bullying I went through. The examination period was worse if not terrible for me. I had failed two of my subjects all thanks to the king's bully and his minions. It was almost like hell during the last few days of school. And I was grateful for the kind of resilience that I developed. I have never held myself back for that long.

Fortunately, the school finally came to a decision and they didn't annul my admission. I had passed the entrance exam and my performance in class and academics was awesome as they said. So they have no reason to annul my admission.

It was a relief because I didn't know how I was going to face my aunty if she ever found out. She wouldn't take the fact that I was bullied with the school not interfering and then being disposed of. She wasn't that wealthy but I'm certain she wouldn't back down when worse comes to worse.

So because of that, I have kept it all to myself. Moreover, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony already asked me to be calm so that it would all be fine. They had been the first ones to assure me that the school wouldn't annul my admission. And fortunately, they were right.

Now the holiday had begun, but it had been a little boring.

Not until Florence decided to visit me two days before Christmas. It was the best surprise ever. I never imagined that she would visit me. Though we've exchanged house addresses weeks after we met. But no one had talked about visiting the other.

Her visit came as a big surprise and I was more than excited to see her. Even excitement was an understatement.

Her presence alone filled with me so much joy. After just a week at home, I have missed her terribly.

She had been a good friend to me, more than anyone had ever been.

Shortly after she came, Florence asked me to dress up, that we needed to go out. I didn't know her reason for that but I didn't hesitate to do that.

Moreover, it was an opportunity that didn't come all the time.

We went to a park someplace far from my residence.

We had fun, played, and talked about the little memories we had. Florence also took us to an arcade where we played games for hours. When it was late in the evening, she decided we should have dinner before going home. I called my aunt to let her know and she didn't oppose it.

So, I had more fun with my friend as we chat until late hour.

It was when the beautiful day was about to end that Florence told me that she was leaving. She was leaving with her family to permanently stay abroad. There she would continue her education and continue with her dream.

For a long seconds, I froze. I didn't know what to do, what to say, and how to feel. It was the last thing I expected to hear from her. It was also the most devastating news that I had.

Despite her constant reassurance that she would contact me when she was abroad.

I cried. I cried for a long time. Even when I was hurt continuously by Jason and his friends with some of the girls in school, I never cried. There was no need for me to do so. But after Florence told me that news I couldn't help but cry.

We stayed in each other arms for a long time, as she comforted me.

I was going to miss her terribly. I couldn't help but think about how it would be the next term without her.
It hurt like hell that I won't see her again. She is the best friend I had always wanted and now she is leaving me.

 𝙁𝘼𝘾𝘼𝘿𝙀 (𝐚 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲) Where stories live. Discover now