¦Chapter 17¦

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~ Laila ~

I told my aunt about the interschool we would be having in school next month and she promised to pay the fee. She doesn't want the Anthony's to pay for that too but she hoped the day doesn't happen to be the same as the day she would be going for a seminar in Port Harcourt. I also wished the same because I wanted her to come.

The whole school was excited about the competition. Even Mathias was looking forward to it. He admitted it was one of the time in the year that he feels special and wanted in the school because no one was a match to him when it comes to computer and mathematics.

I decided to compete in the debate. The same goes for Isabella and we decided to work together. There was a lot of breaks for students to prepare for the competition. The school decorating team had began to plan for the decorations. Even the teachers were eager. They want the school to come out in the first position in almost all competitions.

I was called upon by the second P.H.E. teacher, so I went to the gym room where she usually stay.

I met Jason sitting on the floor in the yoga room with his drawing book and a pencil. I don't know what he was drawing and most of all what he was doing in the yoga room. He doesn't do yoga. But I guess he was here because it was quiet. He hated noise that I had realized.

"Hey," I said.

I could have just walked away since he didn't even see me, but I just felt drawn to him.

I just hoped that he doesn't snub me. It would actually hurt my feeling.

He looked up slowly from what he was doing. I could see the scowl on his face as he looked at me. I swear I could see the surprise on his face. But it quickly disappeared and his face softened a bit but the scowl was still there.

He raised his brows at me without saying a word.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt what you are doing," I apologized.

"Are you joining any of the competitions?" I asked.

He doesn't seem to care about the things going on in the school. Well, he never cares about anything.

Nothing I know of.

I think he was just existing but not living. If he wasn't the king bully I'm sure no one will know him in the school.

"No," he answered.

"Why? Everyone is doing one thing or the other. I'm sure there is something you could do great in. It is fun," I told him not able to stop myself. Someone needs to tell this guy that he needs to live a little. He does nothing but sleep, listens to music on his headphone and makes life hard for students although that had reduced drastically in the last few weeks. I even notice people talking about it. Like they miss the act. Some people think I'm the reason but I don't think so.

"Who will love to work with me?" he answered even if it was in form of question. "And it's not like there is someone I will want to impress that day."

I looked at him confused. I don't want to probe further. He had been extra nice to me by not getting angry for disturbing him and answering my question politely.

Then I said what I have been meaning to tell him.

"You should try to live a little. You can't continue keeping to yourself."

His mouth tugged up to a small smile.

"Remember, I'm a sadist Sofela." He said.

I looked at him like he was insane. Yes, I heard it from people even though I said it a few times but hearing it from him now makes me believe otherwise. I think this is... just a facade. And there is something behind it.

"I don't think that is true."

He smirks. "Why?" he asked looking me in the eyes. "Why do you think so, Sofela? You know it is true. You don't have to say nice things to me." He looks back at his drawing book.

"I'm not saying nice things. I'm saying what I'm feeling. My instinct doesn't lie to me."

"Not this time I think," he said already sketching something on the book.

I shrugged. And then walked away.


~ Jason ~

I watched as Laila walked out of the room. I guessed she was already tired of my annoying reply. It was not the first time I was hearing the things she just said to me.

Christian had said the same thing long ago and I guessed he stopped telling me because he realized that it wouldn't change anything. I won't listen to him.

But now, I think I was beginning to have second thoughts.

Why does whatever she says affect me so much?

I think I am becoming crazy.

I needed to stop thinking about what Laila say. I needed to stop staring at her in class when no one was looking. I needed to stop imagining that we meet in different circumstances. It all needed to stop.

But how?

It was so frustrating. It was annoying to have a feeling you can't control. Honestly, I think I was beginning to get afraid of this stupid feeling that I was developing for that girl.

What had Laila done to me? She is no different than other girls in the class and those that I had met. But that was a lie that I keep telling myself. I know deep down me that she was different.

I closed my eyes tightly and inhaled a deep breath. Something which I do whenever I was trying to control my anger or when I was trying to be calm, like now.

 𝙁𝘼𝘾𝘼𝘿𝙀 (𝐚 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲) Where stories live. Discover now