Poem 18: Come Back,

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I awoke again, to another empty bed
I'm so fucking tired of it
This fucking pit
Yet you always walk out
It's almost as though I fell asleep again and awoke,
To see that I broke all the fucking mirror and have a gun to my head
That's when I realized I lost it
Then roses the gun and stared at the sun
I don't want to paint the room red, like Fred
But I now know that we'll never be together
I thought we promised that we'd be together forever, and we'd never do this
Please come back I miss, you
Oh please awake from this
This nightmare
Let me wake and find you, to tell me it's not true
That you, still love me
Please we, can still make it work
I slap myself to see if I'm awake,
Then in my wake I see it's true
But didn't it occur to you
That I loved you
That I'd do anything for you
Just to show how much I loved you
I finally can put that gun to my head
And decide to smear the place, red

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