Poem 39: Planned Death

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Life keeps on getting harder and harder
Damn do I feel bonkers becasue I've begun to want to do it
I really want to die and flush it out with pain, I must have a sleeping disorder
Because I can never sleep and when I do I can't wake up, damn do I just want to quit
Each time I cut my wrists my mind always insists that I just shoot myself
But if I do won't I go to hell? Well writing this, poetry keeps me out of hell I guess,
Each poem ends with me crying, man am I always describing how my life is on a shelf
My life is on a shelf waiting to fall into disarray, that is unless I do impress
Damn these voices are yelling at me, and the faces are staring at me, everyything is killing me
God I don't know what to do, never have,
Fuck am I unwilling to do anything. Yet no matter what I say I can never disagree
Everything is destroying me it's crazy, it's tearing me in halve
Sadly I don't know anything and especially what these demons are
I must be losing my mind, then through these eyes life is a flash, soon I'll have to say au revoir

Depressing RoundsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora