Poem 42: Life Is Shit

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I think life is a terrible and encumbers us
Weighs us down to the point that we're stuck in a ditch,
On the side of the highway, I call this depression
What makes you fall into this ditch?
Well it all depends, a brick might knock you down
(I call this brick life's problems)
Or you might push you in, and your barely able to keep from falling
Yet someone might finish it while your unbalanced

I grew up beliving that I was the cause of my parents' problems
As if I was their brick
School has never been any better
Yet school is never a hapy place
No matter what they say
Schools are shoot up centres
For both students and people
What I mean is students shoot each other with words
I know that have never done anything and will never take action
For if I do there will a chain reaction
A chain recation of their overrecations
Then they would leave my heart raveged after a undeclared war
The type of war most people grow up with

I sometimes feel like killing myself
And am aware that's the way we all think
But when I am holding that bottle that bottle of tylenol
I can't do what my mind's been aching foe me to do
What I've wanted to do for five years now
Wait, it's been five years?
It's intriguing the way depression can make you foget about everything
Just let time slip
Why can't I swallow the bottle of tyleonol!?
I tell myself for my little brother
That that's the only reason I'm still alive
Or that I even write, got life is such a blight
Right? Sometimes at night I can't sleep
And here I don't lie, and sure as hell do try
To fight this depression, but it's got me in submission
Seems as if that's everyone else's mission

Fuck do I hate life,
Life is kind of like a movie, fullof drama and action,
Can't forget the romance, yet
what happens when the movie is over?
Is that how life is like a movie amazing until the end
It's all just one cliffhanger
Where at the end of life we leave the reader waiting
And that reader is most of the time someone else

I've been driven to the point that I think that life is shit
Why must the others create rays of darkness?
Why is life so dark?
Why can't one thing be the light of my life?
Why can nothing ever emit?
I've been trying to get over it and ignore depression
Why do I have to get over depression?
Why can't I live in depression when it's become my comfort zone?
Why do people say I need help? As if I don't know who God is
Why just why? Why is life one big ball of shit

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