Poem 38: Unspoken Heartbreaker

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        Each time I want to die,
I regret my life choices
and normally, each time, break down and cry
at the noises, the noises the demons make, the damn voices
the smiles they get from my head, I try not to give in,
shout all I can until I can't stand it, until I am staring in the mirror
my thoughts have been killing me, slowly silently, I realize what's within
and how much I hate living, how much I wish I was a kid a again, how afraid I am of a holy terror
a demon, god damn I thought I was athesist until now, now I realize there is at least a hell
god damn does that ring a bell, kind of feels like déjà vu, now I remember where this demon is from
that nightmare from fourth grade it was no nighmare, but the future, was it? Maybe I should dwell
a bit longer to hopefully conjure my younger-self, then maybe I succumb to what I must become
but what am I to become? AmI to be what I've always wanted to be? A tortured daunted poet  
I am unsure, but drastically becoming mature, and as I become mature I am left unspoken  

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