Poem 17: Lost Flame

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It's the time of sorrow
And I'm afraid of tomorrow
Because of what'll follow
The day she left
Without even a goodbye
Or night,
How do we keep calm when the world's had this much damage done
Not everyone would run
Me I'd rather fight, the depression
Even if it's got more might
But hang tight 'cause your in for a ride
And I'll drive through with my pride
Just leading me, us to defeat
Which we all may meet
At some point
But here's my real point

Don't let up
No matter how many say
You'll never amount to shit
Cause that's what they can fucking eat
I think I might actually accomplish a feat
If I keep neat and be inspiring
To all those who felt like me
Because by now I may be able to lead
Is down the stream of sorrow, past tomorrow

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