Poem 43: Depression and the Dictionary

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I was twelve years old,
When I first encountered the word
My friend told me of it
She said she read it out of the dictionary
She said it's a terrible thing
With terrible beginnings, endings, and middles
She told me, she told me all about it
How it is nothing but utter despair
And melancholy feelings
I went along with it, pretended I knew what she was saying
Then she gave examples:
She said that people that never get out of bed,
People that just feel sad, or bad,
People that want to speak but never do
People that cry every night but don't tell
People that get to the point in their head they are constantly screaming
I was left dumbfounded, thunderstruck
I felt like I'd been hit in the stomach and am now gasping for air
Yet I can't quite for each breath I take I am hit again
I couldn't help but think she's describing me
This is how I feel, am I depressed, or the definition?
I then asked her, "are you depressed?"
She didn't answer
"I am" and at this we hugged
We whispered into each others' ears three overused words
I love you
Yet this time it had real meaning, this time we knew we meant it
That was the first wholehearted time either of us ever said that phrase
But after we felt amazing, we no longer felt depression but instead

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