"That's not you. You don't have a mean bone in your body. You're not your father or an Agreste. You're Adrien! The coolest dude I know. My best bro! The first person to not make me feel like a freak! I'm here because you're not like the rest of that lot." Adrien smiled a real smile, for the first time in days.

"Then let's make this week memorable. Let's go on an adventure, do something crazy." Adrien jumped up in excitement.

"Can it be tomorrow? I'm tired, it's been a long and confusing day," Nino laughed and Adrien nodded.

The two ran back to their common room, thankful not to be getting detention in their last week together. They saw Kim waiting for them in their dormitory.

"Thank god you guys are here!" Kim said rushing over when he saw them. "Luka left! I came up and all of his stuff and his bed is gone! It's like he was never here!" The two boys look at each other.

"Do you think he got expelled?" Nino asked them. Adrien shook his head.

"No, Marinette never told the staff what happened. She did say he told her he was gonna see a therapist over the holidays, but we weren't sure how it went. I guess not well." Kim shook his head in disbelief.

"It's crazy. We've known this guy for months and turns out he's a bloody wacko! We've shared a room with him! He could have easily snapped and killed any of us!" Kim flopped onto his bed.

"I can think of something worse," Adrien laughed, "Imagine rooming with Hawkmoth at Hogwarts and then graduating and finding out he's psychotic!" Adrien joked and they all laughed. They all got ready for bed and laid down in silence.

"Hey Kim, me and Nino are planning on doing something crazy tomorrow, wanna come?" Adrien asked him.

"Definitely! Mind if I bring some friends from other houses?" He replied.

"The more the merrier. Goodnight guys." Nino said. The others followed suit, and soon they all fell asleep.

Adrien started the next day with a good feeling. Nino was right. If this was his last week of freedom, he was gonna make the most of it. He woke up earlier than the rest in order to plan their adventure. Once that was decided, he got dressed and headed down to the Great Hall. He stopped when he saw a blue-haired witch pacing in their common room. The fire was reflected on her Gryffindor uniform.

"Good morning Marinette!" He said startling her.

"Merlin! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" She put a hand on her chest to calm down.

"That wouldn't be good for humanity as we know it. I can see the headlines in the Daily Prophet now: Ladybug dies after being startled by Chat Noir. Chat Noir easily defeated without his lady by his side!" He snickered. Marinette smiled in return. She hasn't seen him joke like that since Christmas. She missed it.

"You can't survive without me?" She raised her eyebrows teasing him. He smirked.

"It wouldn't be Hawkmoth who defeated me! I would die of a broken heart Buggaboo." Adrien fell onto the couch dramatically. He must be feeling better, he's flirting again.

"Never change Adrien." Marinette giggled.

"Are you okay? You were pacing a lot when I came down." Now it was back to serious talk. She didn't want to bring down his mood, he seemed so happy.

"Yeah it's nothing," she replied. He stood up and walked over.

"Are you sure? It doesn't seem like nothing?"

"Yeah just thinking about everything." That wasn't a complete lie, Marinette was worried to see Fu and hear about her parents.

"Nino told me last night that we should make the most out of our last week of freedom. I made plans with the guys tonight. It's a good distraction, don't think about things, it doesn't help." He advised her. She pulled him into a hug.

"You're right, thank you Chaton." Adrien felt a blush creeping us his cheeks. Why was he blushing? He was literally kissing her on Christmas! It was just a friendly hug between friends. That's all.

   "Good morning lovebirds," Alya strolled down the stairs. They quickly broke off the hug and acted as nothing happened. "Is Nino up yet?"

   "Nah but I can go wake him," Adrien said before hastily exiting the room. Alya smirked at the girl left behind.


   "Oh nothing," Alya sprawled across the couch.

   "So I was thinking," Marinette began.

   "Oh no, that's never a good thing." Alya laughed.

   "Adrien told me that today him and the guys are going out and doing something. I think we should too. You, me, Alix, Juleka, Mylene, and Rose. Let's have an adventure. Enjoy life while we still can." Marinette smiled. Alya did too.

   "Whatever you want girl, it's your week."

   "Part of me feels like I'm a pet about to be put down so my owners do all my favorite things on my last day." The two girls shared a laugh before Adrien dragged a sleepy Nino down the stairs so they can go to breakfast.

•   •   •

Marinette's eyes glazed across her textbook. She hated the DADA teacher with a passion. She learned much more in training with Adrien. The headmaster knew that too, hence why he encouraged it so much. She couldn't wait to get a new teacher the following year if she was at Hogwarts then. Marinette pushed the thought out of her head and kept reading the stupid textbook.

"Okay class," Professor Ramier began, "Today we will being doing something a little different." Marinette perked up at this. "Headmaster Fu spoke to me and said we must do more hands-on activities. So today we shall duel!" The entire class began to whisper with excitement. They were finally doing something. "I need two volunteers."

"Marinette should go!" Alya shouted from beside her. The other Gryffindors shouted in agreement.

"Very well, who will like to verse her." Anyone with half a brain remained silent. Marinette was the most talented witch of her age. She always completed spells first in charms and transfiguration. None of them wanted to duel her.

"I will!" Chloe called out from the back of the Slytherins. She has been very quiet since Halloween. She gave up on Adrien and stopped torturing Marinette. They were all content with that. But she was finally making her reappearance, on their last week too.

Professor Ramier waved his wand and moved the tables to the side.

"You must face each other and bow as a sign of respect. Then you must take 10 paces back and face each other once more in a combative position. Finally, when I count to three you must attempt to force the opponent into submission. Any questions?" The two shook their heads no and began. They reached their places and waited for his count. Chloe's position was one of showmanship while Marinette simply remained sturdy.


1772 words

A Miraculous Year at Hogwarts (Miraculous Ladybug Harry Potter AU)  •ABANDONED•Where stories live. Discover now