"I need them evacuated immediately. Their lives are in danger. We need at least 5 order members at their house now!" Professor Fu yelled. Adrien raised his eyebrows. Who was he talking about? What Order?

   "Most order members are out on missions sir. We are the only two available. Besides, as of right now this is a simple threat. Not much to worry about." A young female voice said.

   "This isn't just a light threat. These people have been threatened before, so much so that they had to move to the muggle world during the first war. Besides, they have some connections to the Ladybug and I'm worried Hawkmoth may have heard about." Fu slammed his hands on the desk. Marinette gasped. Adrien realized at the same time as her. Her parents. The Dupain-Cheng's were being evacuated. Marinette continued walking up the stairs. Fu was about the continue when he saw her and Adrien appear.

"It's my parents, isn't it? They were threatened and being evacuated?" Marinette asked quietly. The two people with Fu stood there shocked.

"It was that letter. The letter you wouldn't let me see." Adrien said quietly. Marinette turned around. Adrien began to explain to her what happened, despite Fu's protests. "My father reached out and apologized and asked me to reconsider my stance. I went straight to Fu and he said to forgive and ask for details. When I delivered the reply, all Fu told me was that my father knew I told him and dismissed me." He redirected himself to the headmaster. "He threatened her parents in the letter, didn't he." The professor nodded in response. Marinette stepped forward.

   "You said you needed more people. Let us help." The two people from the 'Order' shook their heads.

   "It's too dangerous for kids to help us, sir." The man said.

   "No. You two are needed to protect Hogwarts. Besides, if you were there it would give away your identity." Headmaster Fu said sternly. He forced the two strangers into the fireplace and had them floo to Marinette's house to evacuate her parents. After that, he sat down at his desk and motioned for them to follow suit. "I assume there's something else. Why are you here?"

   "I found out why Hawkmoth wants our Miraculous Professor," Marinette said. The short wizard eyes widened as he paid attention to what the bluenette explained to her friends earlier.

   "Listen to me very carefully. On Friday's quidditch match against Slytherin, you both will get injured."

   "What!" Adrien interrupted him, however the headmaster continued.

   "You both will be put in the isolation section of the hospital wing. No one can visit you. Your injuries will be healed quickly and you'll be removed from Hogwarts grounds that night."

   "You just said we have to protect Hogwarts!" Marinette yelled. Once again, he ignored them.

   "All I knew when I saw you was that you were destined to be the Black Cat and the Ladybug and that Hawkmoth wanted the Miraculous. Now I know that you two are the key to defeating him, you are precious cargo and must be kept safe. You will stay at the Order's headquarters and go through intense training with its members. Your disappearance will not be discussed or questioned. I will tell the staff to shut down conversations about your whereabouts. If anything else, we will say you had to be transferred to St Mungos for your injuries." The two began to protest. "Don't argue with me! You both are incredibly important to this operation. I suggest you start packing. You only have 5 days. I'll see you before your match on Friday." He dismissed them both with a wave of his hand. Adrien stood up but Marinette stayed.

   "Headmaster, can you keep me updated with the evacuation of my parents?" Marinette asked quietly. The professor nodded and went back to his paperwork. Adrien reached out his hand to help a stunned Marinette out of her seat. The two walked back to where they left their friends in silence, Marinette holding onto the blonde's hand tightly. They walked into the room where they saw Nino and Alya giving themselves a tour of the Room of Requirement. They stopped when they saw the silent pair. Adrien helped Marinette into a comfy chair near the fireplace. He didn't let go of her hand.

"Are you guys okay? How did the meeting go?" Alya asked, walking over to them. Adrien looked at her with a grave look on her face and Marinette started to cry. Adrien quickly turned around to comfort the distressed girl. Their friends ran over when they heard her as well.

"We're being sent away. For our protection." Adrien said. Protection. That word came up often. "We leave Friday night after the game to some Order."

"The Order of Miraculous. My older sister told me about it. I think she may be apart of it. They were a group that attempted to take down Hawkmoth during the war. It was never revealed who defeated him last time. It wasn't them though. I suppose they resurfaced with his return."

"That's awful guys. It'll be okay Marinette." Nino said attempting to reassure her.

"My parents," she choked out, "They've been threatened, the Order is evacuating them now." Marinette cried into Alya's shoulder. Adrien felt guilt surge through him.

"I'm so sorry Marinette, this is all my fault. I shouldn't of gone to Fu. I shouldn't of yelled at him." Adrien sighed. Nino made a face at the teen.

"You yelled at Hawkmoth?" He asked them, causing Marinette to giggle.

"Probably. My father came to have a little chat, followed up by a letter. Last thing he did was threaten her parents via letter." Marinette perked up.

"Wait, Fu said my parents have been threatened by Hawkmoth before. But my parents said that your father just came to get Emilie. Do you think Hawkmoth did something else?" Marinette freaked out.

   "Calm down. You're just scared right now. I'm sure he was referring to that." Adrien didn't believe what he was saying, he just didn't want her doing anything rash. "We won't tell Fu that you know." He changed the subject, "It will make it less complicated for us to leave."

   Alya smiled at her two dear friends as she felt hot tears stream down her face. She was afraid. She's never been more afraid in her life. One of the most evil wizards to ever live was after two of her best friends. She cried for her concern for them.

   Nino pulled them all into a group hug. Never would he of that this was happening. He never would he of thought that he was a wizard. But here he was with his closest friends, their lives in danger from someone he never even knew existed until September. He cried for fear of losing those who have changed his life and made him feel accepted and normal.

   Adrien held Marinette close to him in their group hug. He couldn't let anything happen to her. He promised Tom that he would protect his daughter no matter what. He planned to keep that promise. He cried for what was coming, he cried for Marinette.

   Marinette had never felt more love than in that hug. It was if they were trying to communicate all of their feelings at once. That they would always be there for each other, to help one another, to love each other. It was a goodbye. That's not the only reason why Marinette cried. She cried for Alya, who truly did not understand the severity of the situation. She cried for Nino, who was losing his best friend, the one who helped him acclimate to the wizarding world. She cried for her parents, who just tried to help an old friend from long ago and ended up with a target on their back because of it. Then it happened once more, because their daughter was destined to defeat Hawkmoth. They were just innocent bystanders in all of this. Finally, she cried for Adrien. The boy who lost the mother who loved him and is stuck with an evil father. One they both know they will battle. And she knows that no matter how much he says he hates him, she knows it tears him up inside to have to fight the only parent he has left.

2140 words

A Miraculous Year at Hogwarts (Miraculous Ladybug Harry Potter AU)  •ABANDONED•Where stories live. Discover now