Chapter 29: New Harmony City Limits

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Chapter 29: New Harmony City Limits

Taylor's POV:

It's ofically been 14 days. Counting is only making it longer. Soren lets me go outside on my own now. I'm still taking that stupid pill. Soren will sometimes let me go places, thats how I found out I'm in New Harmony, Utah. For some reason I've been throwing up lately, I need to talk to Soren about letting me go to the doctor. Other than that, nothing else has changed. It's 6:47PM and I'm sitting in the living room while Soren is cooking.

"Taylor," He say's walking in the living room, "I'm missing a few things for dinner. I need to go to the store and I want you to go with me. I'm going to let you go in for me, but I swear if you-"

"I know." I interupt. I'm greatful he's letting me do this, I grab my shoes and he holds the door for me. I get in his truck and we drive off. Everytime we go to the city I see a sign that reads New Harmony City Limits. I know this place is in Utah because we talked about coming here.

When we get to the store he hands me some money, warns me again, and sends me in. I walk in and grab everything he named off to me. I walk down a random isle to get to the cashier, when I notice a pregnancy test on the shelf. I stop and stare for a minute. Is this why I'v been throwing up and getting dizzy?

I think when I get to the house I will check on my weight. I decide to grab two and buy them. When I get to the register I make sure she scans the test last. I take the chance and say, "Listen to what I'm saying. Write this number down. A man named Dominic will answer. Tell him Taylor said New Harmony Utah. Please just do it. 903-777-7777."

I take my things and walk away. If I'm pregnant, I can't stay at Soren's hand. On my way out the store, I rip the resiept at the bottom so he wont see the test and slip the small box in my purse.

I get back to the truck and put everything in the back seat. I get in the passengers side and hand him the change with the reciept.

"Why is it ripped?" He asks.

"The printer thing jammed to she just ripped it off." I tell him, at least it's believeable.

He just nods and pulls out of the parking lot. I silently pray that I'm not pregnant. If I am, I'll have to get out of here quicker than I thought. Nick told me because I'm a werewolf, if I were ever to get pregnant, it would only take four and a half months, maybe five, and I would go into labor.

I hopelessly try to contact Nick and fail. I sigh in defeat and step out of the car once we pull in. I help carry some of the grocerys into the kitchen. I head upstairs after letting Soren know thats where I'm going.

I sit on the bed and pull the two test's out of my purse. Before using them I go into the bathroom and step on the scale.

I've gained weight.

I walk back into the room and take the boxes off of the bed. After taking the test I sit them both in the sink and silently pray. Every once in a while, like when I'm late taking the pill, I can feel my wolf. She's depressed. Not being near Dominic and Adriel is taking a toll.

I'm starting to think it's a good thing I can't feel her, if I could I would be depressed. Unfortunatally I will have to feel her in order to have my power back. I glance at the clock and see that it still isn't time. If I have to wait any longer I think I just may scream.

Suddenly there's a knock on the closed bathroom door. I jump a foot in the air and panic.

"Dinner's ready, love." Soren calls through the door.

I quickly grab the test and shove them in the cabnet behind the mirror. I open the door and smile slightly.

"What took you so long?" He asks.

"Um, I was about to get in the shower." I reply. He just nods and I fallow him downstairs. Great, I have to wait even longer. I grab a plate of chicken and sit on the couch. I slowly eat, not really having an appatite. I put the plate up and start to walk to my room.

"Where are you going?" Soren asks.

"My room." I reply.

"I'll come with, we can watch a movie, if you like?" He asks.

I force a smile and nod. I inwardly scream as I make my way upstairs. As soon as I open the door the familiar feeling comes back. I put my hand over my mouth and run to the bathroom. Once again, I empty the contents of my stomach into the toilet.

I glance at the cabnet and notice it's not shut all of the way, he'll see the test, and I don't even know the result!

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