Chapter 20: Monster In The Closet

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Chapter 20: Monster In The Closet

Dominic's POV:

When Taylor wraped her arms around Brett, that set Adriel and I both off. Werewolves are possesive, especially an Alpha.

Taylor's POV:

He pulls me into ourr room and shuts the door. When he turns around he pulls me up against him, "Your my mate, not his. You don't touch another man!"

I could hear Adriel leaking through his voice and I want nothing to do with that. I just nod my head to avoid an argument. He wraps his arms around me and put's his head in the crook of my neck.

"Are you sniffing me?" I ask laughing a little.

"It calms Adriel and I both," He replys. I don't think I will ever understand men, especially werewolves.

"Don't think I'm letting you get away with dying my hair pink," He say's still not moving. I stiffle a laugh but don't say anything. He eventually moves his head but doesn't let me go. He hesitantly leans his head in afraid I will pull away. I don't move but I don't push him away either. He closes the gap and gently presses a kiss on my lips. It was just a peck but it sure made my wolf Blaire happy.

He pulls away, takes my hand, and say's, "Lets go back down stairs," I just nod and fallow.

The rest of the day goes by without event. Nick and I go to bed at the same time, this time Luna stays on the floor. He wraps his arm around me and pulls me against him, "Goodnight Luna," He say's.

"Goodnight Alpha," I return and begin to slowly fall asleep. I wake up durring the night freezing. I know it's Miami but come on! This is ridiculous! I turn over and see Nick is gone. Now what is that fool doing at 3 in the morning?

I get up and walk to the door to turn the air off. I open the door and hear nothing but an eerie silence.

"Dominic Deleon I swear if you jump out and scare me I will break your nose," I warn before slowly making my way down the hallway. Why does that stupid thermostat have to be all the way down stairs?! Once I make it there, I cange the temperature and head back up stairs. I'm just overreacting, I think to myself as I walk up the stairs. I'm halfway down the hall when the supply closet door flings open and someone grabs me and pulls me in.

I swing and miss hitting the cabnet instead. It's completly dark in here. All I can smell is calone and it's stout. He grabs me and pulls me into him. "Calm down hun, it's me," Dominic say's laughing.

I shove him and shout, "You a**! You scared the heck out of me!"

He laughs a little and replys, "Well thats what you get when you dye my hair pink,"

"And you couldn't come up with better?" I ask.

"I thought I'd take it easy on you. You weren't kidding about breaking my nose were you?" He questions turning on the light and looking at the hole in the wooden cabnet.

"Not really," I reply, "It's not like it wouldn't just pop back in place anyway," I joke opening the door.

I open the bedroom door and he walks in behind me, "Oh and by the way, touch the thermoustat one more time I'll beat you. I know it's Miami but come on!" I say.

-----Next Morning-----

I walk down the stairs and get a RedBull once again sitting on the stone railing of the porch. Everyone went out for breakfast, even Dominic. I refused to go because I feel sick. I'm not sure why though.

He didn't want to leave but after a lot of convincing he finally went. I once again hear talking and the scent of rouge hits me. They stop at the gate and stare, thats when I prepare to run. I try to stare them down but it doesn't work. There's 3 men. 3 big men as a matter of fact. Thatswhen I eventually realize the gate is open.

I put my RedBull down and stand up. I'm in nothing but shorts and a tank top. I can't shift and run because their blocking my only exit. When I see them walking towards me I run inside and lock the door. Like that will do much. When I get up the stairs I hear the door break down.

I grab my gun from the drawer, it's not silver but it will have to do. I don't know why I'm panicking, but I am. While I load the gun I call Dominic through the mind-link.

'Dominc! Rouges are in the house!'

"What?! I'm on my way, try to get out of there!"

I jump when I hear something hit the door. I hear it again but this time the wood cracks as well. One more and the door will break for sure. I open the window and jump out hitting the ground a little harder than expacted. I take no time to look back as I run to the only exit which would be the open gate at the front of the house. I run as fast as I can in human form towards the gate, then I see my car. I don't have my keys so I'll have to do it the way dad taught me.

I bust the window with my fist and the alarm goes off, alerting the rouges to my presence. I jusp in and pull two wires out of the bottom and putting them togeather causing the car to roar to life.

I new this wouldn't last forever.

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