Chapter 3: Cherry Red Ford

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Chapter 3: Cherry Red Ford

Taylor's POV:

I helped the security guard, I still don't know his name, onto the stretcher once we got to the ambulance. I can't believe I just did that. Well, there's another thing I can add to my list of stupid things I've done. It was worth it, though.

I walked back to the front of the police line, wondering what this man would do next. After a few minutes, all of the people began to run out like they were escaping Hell; I was sure to count. Only twenty two came out, we're missing two. A few minutes later while I was interviewing one of the women, trying to get anything we can on their identity, I see a man run out of the building like the devil was after him. He runs up to the closest person, which happens to be me, and starts talking so fast I can't understand a thing he's saying.

"Sir, calm down, I can't understand you," I state as calmly as I can. The General comes up beside me and listens in on what he's saying. I really should let him take on the problem, but I'm too curious. He takes a few deep breaths, then shoves a piece of paper at the General.

"That's for you," He say's. When the General walks off, the man pulls a second note, "He said, this is for you," He finishes. The head agent comes and takes him to further interview him.

I open it up, and what I find shocks me.


I apologize about your friend, it wasn't intentional. Oh, and by the way, don't let me find this in the evidence locker.


Why does he care?! Right when I finish the letter, the building explodes, and everyone ducks down. The noise is so loud it's almost painful. The impact knocks many of us off of our feet, including me.

-----Three month's later-----

I walk through my home, dressed and ready for work. No one was harmed in the explosion, and the last hostage had found help at a home a few miles away. They had let her go. No one could get anything on identification, all we know is there is one woman on their team.

I still have the note, and I don't know if I should say anything. The note wasn't too important for evidence, but I'm still concerned about what could happen. I definitely don't want to get caught with it in my possession. After that robbery, they decided to lay low for a while. Usually they were in and out of the bank before anyone could get there, but this last time, they took a big risk, and still didn't mess up. The note is in my dresser, so if any friends come over, they won't see it. I just want to forget it, but I'm still paranoid. It turned out the note given to my General was nothing more than bragging to stall his attention.

It's currently 7:00 PM. I'm taking the night patrol shift because Marcus is on vacation for a week. My shift doesn't start until 8:30PM, but I want to stop by the Café first. I grab my key's and walk to my personal car, a silver 2013 Mustang. I'm required to leave my patrol car at work.

I decide to drop by the office and trade my car for my police car, not wanting to have to do it later.

As soon as I'm at the Café, I notice it's not crowded, but not empty either. I walk up to the counter and buy a vanilla frapachino, I'm not used to staying up all night. I feel someone walk up behind me, but considering I'm in line I don't turn around. I pay and sit down at a small booth beside a window, I can see my car from here.

The sun is officially down and it's so dark it's black outside.

I get a text on my phone from Andy, my General.

From: Andy

Officer Johnson came in tonight, I want her to ride with you since she's just now starting out.

I text him back, letting him know I would be there at eight thirty. Officer Nicole Johnson is my best friend, I convinced her to start Criminology in college, turns out she liked it, and decided she wants to work with me.

"Mind if I sit?" I jumped at the voice coming from beside me, I looked to find the source of the voice was from a man. He had black hair, forest green eyes, and a lean figure with sharp cheekbones. He's wearing a white shirt with black jeans, and has tanned skin.

"Yeah, sure," I reply. He slides into the seat in front of me. What caught my attention the most is his eyes, they're so familiar. You know that voice in the back of your head saying 'I don't like this person,' or 'Don't do it?'

Yeah, I have that right now, and it's saying, 'Something's wrong.'

"So, what's your name Officer Fox?" He asked, referring to my uniform, which had only my last name stitched into the front just below my collar bone.

"Taylor, yours?" I respond. He looks hesitant just to tell me his name.

"Nick. What brought you here?" He asks, smiling a smile that could easily be contagious.

"I'm covering the night shift for my friend. I'm not used to it just yet," I reply, motioning to my drink.

Right when he was about to say something, my phone started going off.

"Sorry, I have to take this," I say, seeing that it's Andy calling.

He nod's in understanding, and decides to wait for me to get off the phone.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Taylor, what area are you in?" Andy ask's.

"I'm at the Café, the one downtown, why?" I reply.

"Well, the woman that Wolf took, when they dropped her off a by-stander happened to see the truck. It's been described as a deep cherry red Ford truck. The first three didgets of the plate are B7K. The rest is unknown. An officer not far from you has spotted it, but lost it in traffic. I need you to be on the look out," He say's.

"Got it, anything else?" I asked.

"Nothing, be careful. I'll see you later," He say's as he hangs up.

"What was that about?" Nick asked, one eyebrow raised.

"Oh, nothing, just-" I cut myself off when I happen to glance out the window and see a cherry Ford sitting outside... right beside my cruiser.

"Something wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing, I got to go, I'll see you around," I reply, before he can say anything I'm up and out the door. I go to my cruiser and pull the radio. I check the plate one last time.

I radio in on the plate, and the location. I walk up to the side and check the VIN number, I notice Nick watching me through the window while he's on the phone.

I wonder if this is his...

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