Chapter 8: I Need My Mate

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Chapter 8: I Need My Mate

Dominic's POV:

I pull up to the safe house, we didn't even tell Aiden where this place is. I get out of the car and open the front door, I push it so hard it slams up against the wall. I haven't showed any emotion while Sandy is in the car having a breakdown. Brad was her husband, even though they weren't legally married.

I don't know what to say. I just feel numb.

"This is your fault!" Sandy yells shoving me and poking me in the chest, "He told you to stay away from her! You should have listened! Now he's dead because of you! You don't care about him! You selfish son of a-"

You don't care about him...

That broke my patients. I let her hit me in the chest, shove me, tell me off, but she will not tell me that I didn't love my brother.

I shove her back and get in her face, our noses almost touching.

"You listen to me Pup! I let you have your word, tell me off, shove me around! But you will not tell me who I care about! I loved my brother! I was always there for him! I put my a** on the line to save him, you, all of you! I took a bullet for you a few years ago, Sandy! I pulled Brad out of the bank when it was burning down back in Texas! I raised him myself! I was his mother and his father! I could have put him in a foster home, but I didn't! Don't tell me I didn't love him!"

She stares at me in shock, I never told anyone that. No one here knows anything about us. They all stared at me wide eyed. I've never snapped at anyone to that extent, especially not a woman. From what I'm told, I'm usually laid back.

I storm out the door and get in Austin's car. I need my Mate, more than anything.

When I arrive, she's not home. She probably got called to the scene. But I'll wait.

After a few minutes, reality hits. I break down, I just lost my brother. The only thing I ever had. I put my head on the wheel and let everything out. A few hour's later, and it's 7PM when she gets home.

-----Taylor's POV-----

I arrive home only to see Nick's car, what is he doing here?

I walk up to the window and knock on it. He looks up and I realize he's crying, he looks terrible. I open his door and ask, "Nick? What's wrong?"

He steps out of his car. He looks absolutely broken.

"Come on," I say, grabbing his hand,shutting his door, and leading him inside.

Luna has gotten used to him, but she still growls here and there when he gets too close to me for her liking.

"Sit down, I'll be back," I tell him as I walk to the kitchen. I get a Redbull from the fridge for me. "What do you want to drink?" I call from the kitchen.

He simply shrugs.

"Redbull, water, Coke, Pepsi, or orange juice?" I ask.

He doesn't reply, so I mumble, "Redbull it is, then."

I grab two and walk back, handing him one. I want to ask what's wrong, but I don't want to push it. I hope he'll tell me on his own time.

"Sorry to intrude, I guess I needed to be around someone who I won't fight with right now," He say's not looking up. I nod my head in understanding, even though I really don't understand the actual situation. "You're not intruding," I reply.

"You can stay if you like?" I ask after a few minutes of silence, yet it was more of a question than a statement.

"Do you mind?" He asks, finally looking up.

"Not at all," I respond.

I notice he still has tears rolling down his face. I hesitantly take his hand in mine, wrap my other hand around his upper arm, and lean my head on his shoulder. I'm not the best at this kind of thing; especially not with words.

He leans his head on mine and a few minutes later he's asleep. It hurts to know that he's hurting. Slowly my eyes begin to fall, and I let sleep take over.

-----Dominic's POV-----

I wake up to an urgent knocking on Taylor's door. I try to ignore it, hoping they would get the hint to go away, but it just gets louder and I don't want them to wake Taylor.

I slowly get up, careful not to wake her, and look out the peep-hole in the door. There's three men with guns, the gun's have silver bullets... They're Aiden's men.

I run to Taylor, "Baby, wake up," I say shaking her, she's still in uniform and has her weapons, good.

"What?" She mumbles.

"We have to get out of here. Get up,"


"There's three armed me at the door, I'll explain later, now come on!" I whisper yell as I drag her up.

This now has her full attention. She runs to the kitchen and grabs a gun from the cabinet, tossing it to me. Right when I open the back door, the front door is busted down. I shove Taylor out and run, narrowly dodging a bullet.

They're after my Mate.

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