Chapter 14: Dead End

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Chapter 14: Dead End

Taylor's POV:

I see the man up ahead, he's fast. There are officers tailing me, but they're too far away. I wonder if I could use my Werewolf speed in human form?

-----Dominic's POV Before Taylor Crashed-----

All of us are watching the TV about Taylor's chase. I didn't know it was that serious! My heart drops in my chest when I see her car roll. I jump out of my seat while still watching. She climbs out of the car, chasing him into the forest. They have her on helicopter view on the thermal. I have to get there, now.

-----Taylor's POV-----

It takes me a bit to pick up speed, but I'm gaining on him. It's going to take some practice to control the speed in my legs. When I get ten feet away, I pull my taser and aim at him. Dead on straight in the back. He falls to the ground, he looks in bad pain, but he will live. I turn him over, cuffing him.

"You have the right to remain silent, anything say or do can and will be held against you in the court of law..." I read off to him the rest of his rights and pull him to his feet. The other officers are a good ways away.

"He's coming, he sent me to lead you to his Pack..." He say's, huffing and coughing for breath, "Aiden, he's coming, I led you the wrong way to help you. He's coming for you," He keeps repeating the last line.

I freeze in my tracks.

He's coming for you...

The office's catch up and roughly yank him from my hold.

"Good job, Fox" One of my partners say while clapping me on the back. I look to my right and see Dominic's wolf. I just sigh and start to walk back. He silently walks beside me, behind cover.

'I'm proud but pissed' He say's.

I smile a little, but don't say anything. Once I reach the tree line, Dominic stays back. One of the officer's gives me a ride to the station since they're going to tow my cruiser. After going through the paper work and questioning, it's 7:00.

I grab my car keys and walk through the garage. I can't believe it's already dark. Instead of going home, I decide to go to the Café first. After that, it's completely pitch black and almost no one is on the highway. I'm driving down a back road completely surrounded by forest. Only every once in a while you see a home.

About half way home, a girl runs out in front of my car, screaming something inaudible. I hit the brakes and see she has cuts and bruises on her. She's yelling something and waving her arms. I open the car door and get hit with freezing air.

"They're chasing me!" She yells.

"Calm down! Who's chasing you?"

"Wolves!" Right when she say's this, I get the scent of Rouges comming... and fast. The awful scent makes my nose wrinkle up in disgust.

"Get in the car!" She jumps in through the driver's side and into the passengers seat. I get inside and lock the doors and speed off. I look to the side, there's Rouges on both sides of the car. One of them, a brown one, hits the side of my car from the right, causing it to jolt to the left. The girl screams at the top of her lungs. It's a good thing she has her belt on.

I send Dominic a mind-link, but I say it out loud.

"Dominic! I'm heading towards the house, Rouges are tailing my car!"

I take a left going who knows where so I don't lead them home. Dead end. I turned down a dead end road?! Are you kidding me?!

There's no way I'm letting them take this girl.

"When I get out, lock the doors,"

"Are you crazy?! They will kill you!" She yells back.

"I'm going to have a lot of explaining to do after this! Just trust me!" I yell back. I've never fought a Wolf before, but I'm about to.

I open the door before she can protest. I hear the click of the lock. There are about twenty of them, some in human form, some in Wolf form. I can't take on twenty alone...

As if on cue, Dominic comes out of the forest with his 'mini Pack.'

I won't stand here helpless. I shift and tackle a Wolf who was on top of Sandy. We both roll and I end up on top. I snap at him and miss. I end up just clawing at his chest. I get him one good hit across the face until he throws me off. I land on my feet and shift back. I pull my gun and shoot, scaring the rest away... whyare there silver bullets in Andy's gun? I pull the clip out and see each one tipped in shiny silver. Whatever, I don't need to worry about that right now.

The one I tackled now lay dead on the ground, a bullet through his head. I'll have to thank Andy for that target practice a few years back. I put my gun back and get in my car, then head to the house, leaving the rest of the Pack behind me.

"Are you okay?" I ask the girl.

She just nod's with tears in her eyes. When we get to the house, I open her door. Dominic is waiting for me on the porch. The girl looks to be only fourteen. She clings to my arm as I walk her to the porch. Sandy comes outside, "This is Sandy, she's going to take you to a guest room and check your cuts, she's a doctor, okay?"

She nod's her head and Sandy gently leads her inside. Nick nods for the rest of the boys to go inside.

Here it comes...

"I told you not to go," He say's.

"And I told you that you can't tell me what to do," I say calmly.

That snaps his patients.

"I care about you! I don't want you getting hurt! You're not going back!" His voice booms, almost as if another voice is echoing behind it.

"Dominic I've done this for four years! I've done stuff much, much dumber and more dangerous than that! It's an occupational hazard!"

"Were Mates Taylor!" And the truth is revealed! "You're not going back! I don't care your experience! You're not going to put your life on the line!"

"First of all, no s*** Sherlock! Second of all, for the last time, you can not tell me what to do! I don't care what you think! I control my life! I control what I do! Not you!" By now I'm in his face.

"I'm not going to fight with you Taylor!" He yells.

"Yet you're doing it anyway!" I shove him with all my strength and he stumbles backwards.

Brett is watching with fear, "Adriel, don't!" Brett yells, who is that? Dominic's Wolf?

I see Dominic's fist's balled up and his usually forest green eye's are now a deadly shade of dark blue. He pull's his hand up as if he is about to slap me. I stand my ground and wait for the impact that never comes. He balls up his fist and put's his hand back down. He walks off of the porch, shifts, and runs into the woods. He almost hit me...

(Who's argument made more sense? Dominic or Taylor?... -Bri* )

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