Chaper 25: Powerless

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Chapter 25: Powerless

Dominic's POV:

I feel so guilty. All of this because I couldn't control my wolf. I'm sitting on the bed with nothing but a pair of sweats on. Taylor is in the shower. She refuses to talk to me. I don't know whats worse, the silent treatment, or arguing and yelling. A few minutes later I hear the door open. I lift my head from my hands and see Taylor leaving the room.

I get up and fallow. I watch as she steps out the front door.

"Wait! Taylor! Where are you going?!" I yell chasing after her. She has on shorts and a tanktop, she's probably going for a run.

"Dominic, please, just let me be alone for a while." she pleads.

I come to a stop not but a few feet from her and her car.

"Nothing good happens when you leave my sight." I reply.

"Yeah? Well nothing good happens when I'm with you either, now does it?" She reply's.

I literally just felt my heart break. I'm in such shock, I just watch as she slams her car door and speeds off.

I slowly walk back inside and sit on the couch. I put my head in my hands and just break down, something I haven't done in a while.

-----Taylor's POV-----

As I come to a stop at the park, I feel tears falling from my eyes. I regret what I said, but I meant it. I looked around the room before getting in the shower, there was no protection durring that. I could be pregnant. I can't have a child in this situation, I just can't.

I step out of the car and walk onto the trail. After a few minutes I walk off trail and through the woods, I'm slowly losing touch with civilization.

I come to a stop and just look around. Why did this have to happen to me?

My thoughts are swarming past control when a horrible feeling comes over me. I no longer feel confortable, I feel like I'm in danger. I quickly turn and run the way I came.

I see my car in the distance, thats when I hear someone chasing me. I don't dare try to see who they are, I just run. I reach my car and pull the door open. Arms suddenly wrap around my waist and I panic. A cloth is put over my mouth. I hold my breath as long as I can.

"Come on love, you have to breath at some point." The man chuckles darkley into my ear.

I use the last bit of time I have to tell Dominic,


'What is it? Taylor are you ok?' he replys.

By now I'm forced to take a breath. I see a tattoo of a snake on the man's arm.

'Dominic I'm so sorry!' My vision begins to blur.

'I love you! I didn't mean what I said!' Black is begining to cloud my vision.

'Taylor tell me whats wrong!'

'I see a snake on his arm, Dominic, I love you!'

Thats the last thing I hear before my mind goes black.

-----Dominic's POV-----

I'm standing in the middle of the living room. Fear and pain ripples through my body in waves. But what tops it all off, the anger. I hit the nearest wall as hear as I can, creating a hole in the wall. I contact the guys and Sandy.

They agreed to meet me here as soon as possible. I run out the door and to the park as fast as I can. I see Taylor's car door open, but she is no where to be seen. I try to pick up her scent, but I can't. I can't smell anything. Aiden has my mate...

I do the first thing that pops in my mind. It will be at least a few days before everyone gets here. I need help now, I'm powerless alone. I shut her door after locking it. I shift and run through the forest as fast as I can. After about 30 minutes, I hit the border of the Blue Mountain Pack's land.

I ignore the fact that I'm trespassing and cross. I hear a howel erupt but I keep going. I reach the pack house and shift. A warrior wolves notice me and glare. He stops me.

"What are you doing here wolf?" He asks.

"I need to speak with your Alpha." I reply.

"Yeah, and I want to speak with Miley Cyrus, get off our land." He say's.

I pull my fist back and hit him dead in the nose. I hear a crack as he falls. I walk past him only for him to yank my legs out from under me. He is about to hit me when someone yells, "Stop!"

He stands up and steps back. I bolt up and debate beating the life out of him.

"What do you want wolf?" The Alpha calls from the door. I give the man one last glare and walk to the Alpha. I bow my head in respect and ask, "May I speak with you? Privatly?"

He nods his head towards the door as a signal to fallow him. I walk with him up two flights of stairs and into a private office. He sits in his chair and asks, "Why have you crossed my borders and broken my warrior's nose?"

"I need your help."

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