Chapter 23: The Big Bad (Ticklish) Alpha

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Chapter 23:

Taylor's POV:

I woke up with Nick's arm wrapped around my waist. I still don't feel to good. I might be coming down with something. I need a shower but I have no clothes, at all. I shake Nick awake, "We need to get some clothes"

"Yeah I know, now go away," He says rolliing over trying to avoid me. I poke him in the side and he squirms with his face in his pillow. So, the big bad wolf is ticklish huh? I stradde his back and run my hand up and down my sides. He cries out, not in pain, but in laughter. Luna runs in at the sudden noise.

"Get up!" I yell still tickeling him.

"Never!" He yells. He trys to throw me off but cant even sit up.

"If anyone else knew about this, I would feel bad for you! Get up and I'll stop!" I yell.

"Ok! Ok! Just stop!" He surrenders. I stop and get up walking towards the door. Victory.

"The big bad ticklish Alpha!" I yell walking down the hallway.

I hear his feet begin to get closer and on instinct I take off running but don't make it far.

"Know I can't be the only one can I?" He asks shoving me to the ground and pinning me down. He runs his hands up and down my sides quickly.

"No!... Dominic!... Dont!... stop!" I yell between laughter.

Luna comes running and licks my face then runs away like I'm not currently being abused.

"Traitor!" I yell.

"Say your sorry!" He say's.

Tears begin to escape my eyes and I give in, "Ok! I'm sorry!" Although he stops I'm still trying to calm down. I fake glare at him as I stand up.

"I'll go get us some clothes and food. Stay here, ok?" He say's.

"What about you?" I ask.

"I'm the big bad Alpha, remember?" He say's pulling me closer to him.

"You left out ticklish," I respond. He chuckles and kisses me softly.

"I'll be careful if you do. I'll be back soon. Call me if anything happens," He kisses me one last time and heads for the door. He smiles back one more time before shutting it.

Now, to find something to do in this boring house. I'm used to a bigger home, so this place feels so small. Mabey I could go for a run in the park I saw on the way here. I'm wearing shorts and a T-shirt, so mabey I could just walk Luna around for a little bit. I'm sure to leave Nick a note just in case he beats me back home. I grab her harness and wrestle it on her, opening the door. Brett got my car fixed and repainted, I'm very greatful for that.

I get in the car after letting Luna in and start it. I drive to the wooded park and let Luna out. I begin to walk down the trail, slowly losing touch with civilization. I get lost in my thoughts as I walk. I smell a wolf, but it's lone, so I'm not conserned.

I'm jerked back to reality, literally, when Luna takes off running halfway dragging me.

"Luna! Heal!" I yell but it wasn't even worth the effort. She always stops, but not this time. She barks and then runs off trail.

"Luna!" I yell, digging my heals in the ground and pulling her back hard. She stops with her ears up, looks at me, then looks back infront of her.

The wolf's scent is stronger than ever, the stupid dog probably just smelt her.

"You dumb dog! Come on," I grumble pulling her back. I know dogs arent dumb, but come on! She wines and begins resisting me. I turn around and look at her. I was about to comand her to come until I see someone out of the corner of my eye. My head snaps up. I see a girl with tanned skin, brown hair, and brown eyes. She looks around 20. She's the lone wolf I smelt.

"Would your name happen to be Taylor..." She trails off, "Fox? I think?"

I pull on Luna's leash and stand infront of her. "What's your consern?" I ask.

I don't mean to be rude but I just met her, and everytime Dominic is not with me, seems to be when bad things happen.

"My name is Aria Newbrooks," She say's.

Newbrooks... Aiden Newbrooks, what are the chances? I prepare for the worst but then what she say's completly throws me off, "Aiden has them looking for you, in Maine,"

"In Maine? You mean the Maine all the way up North, on the top of the states?" I ask.

"Yes, I told him you were there,"

"Why?" I ask.

"Can we talk somewhere else?" She asks.

"At a cafe, maybe. I'm not about to bring you into my home," I reply.

She nods her head in understanding. I make her lead the way to the cafe. I refuse to turn my back to her. We eventually hit the city streets and walk to a cafe not far from where we were. We sit outside, knowing I can't bring Luna inside.

"I want to explain something to you, don't interupt me please," She says. I nod my head for her to continue, curious to what the girl has to say.

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