Chapter 16: Welcome Home

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Chapter 16: Welcome Home

Taylor's POV:

"You don't have to say anymore," I tell him.

"We need to leave tomorrow. They're getting too close, we leave, first thing in the morning," He say's.

"Okay, but where are we going?" I ask.

"I'll figure something out," he replies, "Get some sleep, it's late already," I nod and go to my drawer. Once I hear the door close I change and get in bed. Everything is so mixed up, going by so fast. I just want it to slow down. Before I know it, I'm asleep.


My eyes jolt open when I hear a crash in the kitchen. I look at the clock, 1:00 in the morning? Are you kidding me? Who in this house is up at 1:00 in the morning? It's probably just Brett raiding the fridge. Again. I just lay back down and try to go to sleep. Right as I'm about to fall asleep, I hear boots walking down the hallway. No one stayed out late last night...

I silently get out of bed and head for the door. I peek my head out the door and see nothing, but I hear it upstairs. I tip-toe down the center of the hallway to prevent the floors from creaking. I make my way through the living room, right as I'm about to go up the stairs, someone grabs me from behind. They put a knife up to my neck, the burning sensation tells me it silver.

"Say one word, know it's the last one you will say," He tells me. I see another man heading up the stairs where Nick is. I know he won't listen, but it's worth a try, "Dominic, run!"

The man covers my mouth, I fight all I can, but it does nothing but push the blade further into my neck. I hear fighting and yelling upstairs. Four men come down the stairs with a bloody silver knife, "Let's go," He says, "We've been keeping Aiden waiting for to long,"

-----Dream Over-----

I jerk up from my sleep and sit up, breathing hard and covered in sweat. I look at the clock, midnight. We need to leave, now.

I get up and run up the stairs, almost tripping on a chair leg. I run into Nick's room and shake him.

"Dominic, wake up!" I say. He jolts up and replies, "What happened? What's wrong?"

"We need to leave, now," I reply.

"Why?" He asks.

"He knows where we are, we have before 1AM! Now d*** it, get up!" I pull him by his arm and he gets up.

"How do you know this?"

"Just trust me! I don't have time to explain!" I yell.

He nods and jogs into the hallway, yelling for everyone to get up and get packed. I run to my room and grab a bag, only getting a few sets of clothes and anything else I needed. On my way out, I grabbed one of Sandy's stout perfume bottles and sprayed it on my way out, but not letting it hit me. I shut the door and do this to every room. Everyone was waiting at the door, 12:30. I grab my keys and we head out. I tail Dominic in my car. I hope he knows where we're going.

After about ten minutes, Nick turns onto the Interstate. Luna whines, looking out of the window. I'm leaving my horses, my brother, by job, my family... I'm leaving everything but Nick. I feel tears weld up in my eyes as I turn onto the Interstate. Luna whines, throws her paws over the middle of cup holders and puts half of her body in my lap. She's a big dog, but it's comforting.

I pet her and drive with one hand. After about an hour we pull off and into a gas station; I realize just how low on fuel I am and pull up to a pump. We're all parked at the pumps in a little square.

"Where are we going?" I ask Dominic.

"I have no idea," He say's.

I try to think of anywhere, somewhere to go.

"I have a two story house, about three hours away on the rich side of Miami. It's furnished. It's really my brothers, but we co-own it for vacation. Thing is, it's in the city, so no shifting or running. But it should work for now," I said.

"That's good for now," He replies. I get my wallet and go into the gas station. I get a Redbull and a water for Luna, plus I get a large plastic cup so she can drink out of it. After I pay, I let Luna out on a harness and let her drink. Once everyone is done, we get back on the road with me leading the way.

I'm still angry those Rouges put dents all in the right side of my car, I need to get it fixed, it looks horrible and it attracts attention. I love my car and I let no one drive it but me, but Brett was an exception because I had no other way to get it back.

I had a sister and brother. I never saw my sister because my mom left my dad, taking her with her. I still don't know why Rouges would want that girl. There's so much we all need to talk about. If I don't get answers soon, I think I might scream.

Here on the rich side, there is no forest. It's all palm trees, beaches, and wild people. I love the environment here, that's why we chose this spot. We just payed off the house completly not too long ago. It took forever, but it was worth it. It's a beautiful two story home, fenced in, balcony, patio, pool, everything. It took us years to get it the way we have it now. I would love to be in California, but I would be leaving too much behind. Then again, I'm already doing that now.

After what seemed like forever, we finally made it. I put the code in the fence and it opens. We keep this place locked tight because no one is ever here unless it's either a special occasion or just a vacation.

'Welcome home,' I tell myself.

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