Chapter 10: Ok Your Being Serious...

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Chapter 10: Ok, You Being Serious...

(This chapter will bequite a bit longer than usual because I'm having internet problems, so... here you go :)

Taylor's POV:

I slowly begin to feel again. I slowly open my eyes only to close them from the sunlight shining through the window. I have a major headache and my stomach still aches, but not near as bad. I raise up slowly and look around the room, there's a closet, bathroom, and a couch across from the bed. Lying on the couch is Dominic... Dominic.

The criminal I went on a date with, the criminal that brought me so much trouble. I have to get out of here. I slowly throw my legs over the bed and set my feet on the ground. The first step I take, the floor squeaks and Dominic jerks awake.

Oh, screw me!

"Taylor, where are you going?" He asks while standing up tiredly.

I waste no time throwing the door open and running. All of my weapons have been pulled from my belt, and my gun is nowhere in sight. Therefore, my only option is flight. I run down the hall, then down the stairs. "Taylor! Wait!" He yells, but I keep running. When I round the steps, I run straight into someone. Brett.

I try to get up and run, but he grabs my arm and pulls me back. I turn around and swing, hitting him in the nose, but he doesn't even flinch. My hand hurts and is already starting to show evidence of bruising. So, I do the next best thing. I bring my knee up and hit him where the sun doesn't shine.

He falls to the ground on his knee's, groaning, and holding himself. I wanted to laugh, but didn't have time. I turn to run, but hit another brick wall... known none other than Dominic.

I fall backwards, almost hitting Brett. Dominic stands over me with his arms crossed. After a heated glaring competition, he picks me up and throws me over his back like a caveman. "Put me down!" I yell banging my fists on his back.

"Calm down, Taylor," He say's as if he's not carrying me to my death! Then I remember, this is still the Nick I once cared about. I stop hitting him and try to calm down, holding tightly onto his shirt.

He carries me back to the same room and puts me down on the bed. I cross my arms like a stubborn child and just sit there.

"I'll be back, don't even try the door, it's locked," He say's walking through the door.

"I'll be sure to put kidnapping on your record," I mutter under my breath, earning a chuckle from him. How did he even hear that? 

I look down at my now bruised hand; I don't understand how that didn't hurt him. A man once tried to escape his holding cell at the office. On his way out, he ran into me. I hit him straight in the nose, breaking it. I forced him to the ground, cuffing him. Even my co-workers are amazed by my strength. Even I am at times. I rub my head, only to wince slightly. These people are so strange.

It's been about thirty minutes since Dominic left, when I suddenly feel pain erupt in my stomach. It's bearable though. I suddenly feel like throwing up. I run to the bathroom and throw up mostly blood. When I'm done, I sit on my knee's beside the toilet still holding my hair back. Sure enough, I feel it coming on again. I lurch forward again, but this time it's all blood. I feel someone rubbing my back, I look up and see Dominic on his knee's sitting beside me.

When I'm done, I flush the toilet and stand up. Dominic hands me a cup of water. Once I rinse my mouth out, I sit back down on the bed. Dominic picks up a tray of food off of the dresser and hands it to me. I eat everything on it, hoping I won't see it again later.

"I think I know what's going on with you, but I doubt you will believe me," He say's.

"Try me," I reply.

"It's a bit of a long story," He say's trying to avoid the subject.

"I'm pretty sure I've got plenty of time," I reply sarcastically.

He sighs and nods his head. "Well, I'm not going to bend it. Everyone of us... we're Werewolves,"

"Will you cut the crap and be serious about this?" I ask, a little irritated.

"I am being serious," He say's, getting up and walking to the center of the room.

"Really Dominic? I'm being-" I stop talking when Dominic starts to shift. I hear bones cracking and popping; something that's always made me cringe. Before I know it, standing right in front of me is a white wolf with green eyes. The tips of his ears are black and grey, but other than that, he's all white. I'm more in shock than I am scared.

I walk up and slowly pet his fur. "Okay, you're being serious," I say, smiling a bit.

His head reaches a foot over my head. He's about seven feet long, basically, he's huge.

He shifts back to his original form, "You took that well... Anyway, I know what's causing your pain. You see, when a Werewolf turns sixteen, they shift at midnight. It only takes about an hour. But in your case, it's different. We believe you're a Werewolf and your shifting, but something is causing the process to be very slow,"

I stare at him wide-eyed... I'm a what?!

"When I was still in my Pack," he continues, "This happened to one of my relatives, it's very rare. Your shifting, but very slowly. I hate to say this, but it's and agonizing and long process. When you shift normally, it's very painful, but fast, and doesn't last long. But, shifting like this is worse. Yet it's not a bad thing. It means you're more powerful, as powerful as a Luna. I'm not talking about the evil dog, by the way. A Luna is a female leader of the pack. The Alpha is the male leader, they're stronger, bigger, and their five senses are much better than normal werewolves,"

I thought I would freak over something like this, turns out I'm extremely interested in it.

"I got a lot of questions," I say smiling. He looks dumbfounded by my reaction, but doesn't say anything. He nods his head, letting me know to ask.

"How is the Alpha and Luna decided?"

"Well, it goes down the blood line, when the Alpha has a son, the title is passed to him, but he can't become Alpha until he finds his mate. When she is found, they become Alpha and Luna,"

"What's a Mate?" I question. For some reason he smiles at this.

"A Mate is like a soul Mate. I guess you could say it's your destined to be wife or husband," he chuckles a bit, "how you know you find your Mate is when that person lets off an intoxicating scent, it smells amazing. Another way to tell, is when you touch that person, you feel sparks. Cheesy, I know, but it's true. If your Mate were to die, so would you, it's very painful to lose your Mate. The grief on your wolf is unbearable. They're basically your other half,"

"Your Wolf?"

"Yes. Every Werewolf has an inner Wolf. They're what makes you a Werewolf. You can mentally talk to them,"

"Do you have a mate?"

He looks down. "I haven't found her yet. I'm a lone wolf. All of us are. A lone wolf is someone who never found their mate. A rouge is a dark werewolf, basically an evil one,"

"Oh," was all I could say on the subject, "Tell me again why I have to stay here?"

"We need to make sure you will be ok when you shift," He replies. I just nod my head. I'm starting to get tired, I look outside and see that it's almost dark. Suddenly I remember, "Luna! My horses! Are they ok?" I jump off of the bed.

"I'll send Brett to go get the dog, do you know anyone who can watch the horses?"

"My brother," I reply.

He hand me his phone, mine is back at the house. After I call Marcus, my brother, I tell Nick they have to load my horses and take them there. Nick won't let me leave because they don't know when I will shift.

I have to remind myself that this is the Nick I began to feel for. I feel like I'm meeting a completely different person. Hopefully, Dominic is as trustworthy as Nick.

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