We need good grades

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He looks totally different with his red hair

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He looks totally different with his red hair. Like he once said, another day, different hair color.

Suga comments, "You know what we should do? We should form a boy band after we got out from here. With V, Jin and Jungkook looks, we could be a popular one."

J-HOPE protests, "Why you didn't call my name on purpose? I'm a good dancer, you know. Jimin loves dancing too."

Suga stares to J-HOPE long legs.

He asks, "If you two could dance, you could run too. I need players in my basketball team."

Jimin sighs. He shouldn't have told big mouth J-HOPE about his future dream.

Suga orders, "You two shall be in my assault team. RM shall stand below the ring. He will be a blocker. V shall...he shall stare our foe to death."

"That doesn't sound right..." complaints Vante.

Jin has to ask, "What about me? And Jungkook?"

Suga only sneers at him. From 100 shoots, Jin doesn't shoot any ball into the ring. The same thing goes for Jungkook.

He suggests, "We do need cheerleaders."

All the others burst out laughing. Jin pretends to sulking before he starts to laugh too.

The cook comments, "Burnt potatoes. Minus 50 points for Suga."

"Oh, bloody hell!"

"Cursing. Minus 50 points."

"No, Sir! Please...oh...shi..."

Vante stuffs Suga's mouth with a raw potato piece before he curses and loose more points. The guy isn't too bad as a person. He just curses a lot, especially if he's in bad mood.

By the end of the day, they didn't produce any edible foods. Suga had to eat burnt potatoes. Punishment from the cook.

Jungkook is tossing his plastic plate to the air. Showing everyone his magnificent magic glue. Not a single potato falls out of his place.

None of them are destined to be a great cook in this ship.


After dinner, they are studying in their small cramped cabin. RM is trying to teach them Math equations.

Jungkook stares Vante and he rolls his eyes. V covers his mouth to prevent laughter. They both think RM is talking alien languages right now.

Jimin is nodding his head continuously. His face expression looks blank. Doubt he understands a word of what RM is teaching. Jin is covering his mouth with a hand. Trying hard not to yawn and hurt RM's feelings.

J-HOPE is sitting next to Jin. He is busy daydreaming. He is counting days until he got release from this place. His girlfriend agreed to wait for him. It had been months. Not a single letter or call from her. He still hopes for the best.

I confessed everything and went to jail for her. She stole the money, not me.  Maggie loves me. She'll definitely wait for me. Maybe she's just busy...

The siren rings twice before the lights go out.

They are almost fallen asleep when suddenly multiple gunshots are heard. The source is very close.

Something heavy got dragged away. Like dead bodies.

Jungkook asks softly, "Do you think they are killing the inmates next door?"

No one dares to answer him. Everyone is holding their breath until not a single noise could be heard again.

That night they have another sleepless night.

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Life is never easy. The place might be called Juvenile detention center. It's just a peachy name for a prison.

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