Chapter Thirty-Five

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POV: Cole

I groan as I am knocked off of my feet and onto my back. Sneering, the man above me brings his sword to rise right above my head. Frustrated that this fight isn't over, I roll out of the way of my opponent's attack with a grunt. Gracefully ascending to my feet, I stay crouched as I stare ahead of me at the feral past Alpha. If you look close enough you can see where the salvia drips down from his canines. He, and many others of the past alphas in this establishment, have gone mad. Although we may be vessels in which a beast is housed, we are also humans. One can only mentally handle having to kill someone every day until the brain psychologically won't allow you to handle it anymore. If it wasn't for Ellen, and her mind strengthening techniques, I am sure I wouldn't have made it this far.

He snarls at me before raising his sword once again and charging just like I knew he would. Unsheathing my dagger, I wait until he is close enough for me to slice his artery. He drops allowing me to stand to my full height above him. I crouch down to clean my blade on his shirt before I turn my back and walk away; leaving the crowd screaming in joy and the man bleeding out.

Entering the gates that lead down to the underground tunnels in which all of us warriors are housed, I sigh deeply. Just because participating in these fights are my duty, doesn't mean they are any less exhausting. Not physically, never physically; always mentally. I almost let loose a groan as I turn the corner towards my room and come face to face with a crowd of Alphas who love nothing more than directing their animosity my way.

"Well, if it isn't Abaddon," the one in the middle sneers. "Another victory under your name I see." He and the others cross their arms and move to flank me. I am not in the mood to be dealing with this right now. I just want to go to my room and close my eyes and think about my mate and my brother.

"Step aside." I growl out, not at all fazed by the increasing number of men who move to surround me. The man who previously spoke ticks his jaw, "You seem to think you're very high and mighty Abaddon." I almost role my eyes at his words, "If you know my name then you are aware of my track record. Considering I am standing here alone and facing you while you have a plethora of men guarding your back speaks volumes for which one of us is more confident in their abilities." The man flushes bright red whether from anger or embarrassment I will not know.

My eye twitches in annoyance when the man's stance shifts slightly allowing me to know he is preparing to go on the offense. "Rumor around here is that you've been here the longest." I don't confirm or deny his words because quite honestly I do not know the answer. I know I must be here the longest to go home, but I do not interact with the other men enough to know faces and be able to recognize them.

"And what if I have?" I eye his body language for the moment he shifts into his attack as I speak the words. He clenches his fists and I know instantly that the next words he utters will be followed by most likely a punch. I feel the air move behind me and I know others have taken a step closer to restrain me if need be. I cluck my tongue lightly as I recall my Grandfather's training. As a royal, our chances of being in an assassination attempt were higher than most. Where the rest of my royal family went everywhere with guards, I was not provided that luxury. My primary residence was not on palace grounds and therefore I had to know how to fend for myself; a skill both my mother and grandfather believed in.

"Then I believe it is time to remove you from your pedestal." He says signaling everyone around me to spring into action. Knowing they have me surrounded, I drop to my knees and roll allowing two to collide before I jump up and throw my fist into the face of another. Before the brawl can continue further, we are interrupted by a white shimmering which can only mean one thing. I drop to my knee and bow my head as the other men stand around in confusion. It only takes a few seconds longer for the Moon Goddess and another hooded figure to appear before our eyes.

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