Turn 28: Blooming Feelings

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The first stage was still going on, and thanks to the little mercy that Team Ogre had, the teams were decreasing quickly...

"Wow, Chrono and Kazuma are doing very well... I wonder if I can continue at their level." I thought Tokoha.

"Maya was already eliminated... Well, Kuro-can and I must go ahead and do everything possible to take the team to the final." I thought a blond girl with pigtails in the shape of a banana.

Suddenly... Nana's bracelet starts to sound, showing the following phrase:

[Opponent in front of you!]

Turn 28: Blooming Feelings

"You? You're the girl who was sitting in the stands during The Koshien?" Tokoha reacts surprised to see Nana.

"Yes, I'm a second year student, my name is Diva Nana and I'm at the Naka High School." she answers

"Well, let's face it!" says Tokoha, but Nana replies... "Do you forget that I saw you play?" and then add... "I don't like to attract attention, but... If my friends need me, then I will shine brightly."

"Stand Up! Vanguard!"

"Augury Maiden, Ida / Kashuu Kiyomitsu"

"Eh? That clan..." Tokoha said not recognizing the clan of his opponent.

"You don't know about them, the name of my clan is 'Touken Ranbu' and I assure you they are super strong." Nana smiled.

"It's like when I fought Chrono for the first time, nobody knew anything about his Gear Chronicle, but... This time I will give my best to win." Tokoha thought.

"Ride! Nikkari Aoe! Kiyomitsu moves to a (RC) circle." said Nana, who decided to go first.

"Ride! Pure Maiden, Katrina... Ida, moves to the (RC) circle that is under my Vanguard." Tokoha made his move and attacked, leaving Nana with damage.

"Ride! Yamatonokami Yasusada, Attack!" now with his grade two, Nana attacked Tokoha.

"No guard!" she answers

"Drive Check: No trigger..." she said, while Tokoha put a card in her damage zone.

"Get ready!" said Tokoha, who takes a card from the top of his deck... "Ride! Osmanthus Maiden, Anelma." Tokoha calls his grade two.

"Anelma, vanguard attacks!" Tokoha attacks Nana again, but... "Guard!" she manages to stop Tokoha's attack.

"With this I will stop your attack..." Nana thought...

"Drive Check: Good, I have a critical trigger." Tokoha said, but... Nana replies... "Even so, your attack is not enough."

"She's right, 14k to 20k, I'll need to think of something better." I thought Tokoha.

"Turn End..." she replies.

"Ride! Tsurumaru Kuninaga!" Nana finally calls her grade three, leaving Tokoha surprised...

"That unit... Worries me a little." she thought.

"Besides... I call Yasusada, Yamabushi Kunihiro, Nikkari Aoe and Horikawa Kunihiro." said Nana, who was preparing to attack.

"Well... Attack me with the best you have." Tokoha replies.

"Kuninaga, attack Anelma!" The samurai draws his sword and attacks the vanguard of Tokoha.

"Dive check: Bananice! I got a critical trigger. [Power] for Yasusada and critic for Kuninaga / Bananice! Another critical trigger! [Power] for Kunihiro and the critic go for Kuninaga / no Trigger" replies Nana, who gets happy thanks to its double trigger.

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